The Importance of Backup Power for Businesses
We live in increasingly volatile times, as there are a host of social, environmental and economic threats that continue to cause considerable consternation among business owners. Whether you appraise growing political unrest, the implications of global warming or pronounced economic decline in the Eurozone, it is clear that business owners can ill afford to ignore these external threats if they are to achieve long term success…
How Your Attitude Can Win You Sales
Being successful at selling isn’t about your product. It’s about your personality. Here are three ways to harness the power of a great attitude to close even the toughest sale.
When Is It a Good Idea to Bring Back Your Old CEO?
In recent weeks both J.C. Penney and Procter & Gamble replaced a sitting CEO with his predecessor. This back-to-the-future approach to succession isn’t common — and surely most company boards aren’t seeking to make it so. After all, returning the reins to a former leader smacks of desperation and failed succession planning…
Setting Up a Home Office on a Tight Budget
Personal finance expert and author Linsey Knerl tells about the best ways for home-based businesses to save money while building a fully functional home office.
Why Foreign Entrepreneurs Love America

Seamless and GrubHub Merge: Which Name Should Win?
Seamless and GrubHub are merging, but there’s no word yet on the combined company’s new name. Brand experts explain why the decision is so important – and which name would be best.
The Secret to Successful Product Design? Simplicity.
The more elegant and straightforward your product design, the easier it will be for you to attract customers. Here are three ways to streamline the way your product looks.
Filing is everybody’s business
Recently I’ve been working with a small group of people who manage the records for a medium sized business. As soon as I arrived they made a point of telling me that in their newish building, they were located in an area with no view while their IT colleagues were on the other side of…
Read the full article here: Filing is everybody’s business
Read the full article here: Filing is everybody’s business