The Accuracy of Visitor Data Revisited

Over a year ago Rand published his revealing piece into the accuracy of traffic estimation tools such as Alexa, Compete and Google Trends and I was fascinated by the apparent abject failure of these services. Further studies only heightened my interest in the topic. It was clear, based on observation and some data, that these tools were not doing a great job…
How to Live Tweet Like a Pro
Posted by RuthBurr
Those of you who follow me on Twitter have probably noticed that I live-tweet the conferences I go to. Extensively. Some people love it, some people hate it – but if you want to start live-tweeting for yourself, here are some things to keep in mind.
Those of you who follow me on Twitter have probably noticed that I live-tweet the conferences I go to. Extensively. Some people love it, some people hate it – but if you want to start live-tweeting for yourself, here are some things to keep in mind.
Why I Live Tweet
I started live tweeting events a couple of years ago, when I realized that I was spending as much time and effort tweeting out the most relevant points of the session I was in as I spent taking notes – plus, the notes I took were less relevant than my tweets, since I was only tweeting out the best parts!
Once I committed to live tweeting conferences, I got a lot of great, positive feedback about it from other attendees, so I kept on going…
Creative SEO Tip: Newsjacking
Newsjacking, a type of content marketing, places the emphasis on breaking news events rather than how-tos or technical information and rides the wave of existing demand to get well-earned backlinks and branded mentions. Use it to your advantage.
Apple Hiring ‘Ground Truth’ Managers To Improve Maps
If job listings are any indication, Apple remains committed to improving its iOS Maps app. As the iDownload Blog spotted, Apple currently has seven job listings for what’s called a “Maps Ground Truth Manager.” The positions are based around the world — U.S., Western Europe,…..
Keyword Analysis Report from Google Webmaster Tools

I am going to show you how you can target your audience better by analyzing the keywords, for which your website is showing up…