Feedback for FMF
It’s been some time since I’ve opened up a post for general feedback, so I thought I’d do so today.
I generally write about what’s going on with me financially, what I’m thinking about, what I’m interested in and so forth. And in many cases, I believe these topics interest you.
But not always, of course…
I generally write about what’s going on with me financially, what I’m thinking about, what I’m interested in and so forth. And in many cases, I believe these topics interest you.
But not always, of course…
Eight Reasons to Use an Electric Toothbrush

When my dentist first started telling me to use dental floss, I adamantly refused, thinking it was the stupidest idea since unsliced bread…

Unfortunately, for many would-be entrepreneurs in America and the developing world, it’s the access to money that is the stumbling block between a great idea and a sustainable business…
The Best Way to Ensure Career Success – Choose the One That People Don’t Want

Websites That Help You Save Money – Part Two

Here at Young Adult Money, we love to save money. Whether it’s couponing, finding the best deal on a product or service we need to buy, or entering giveaways to get free stuff, we do what we can to make our money go farther…
Winning Ways to Structure a Working Vacation

I’ve gone on record before about the need for a standing desk and how to build one. Getting your work done from a standing position while traveling though is a different story, particularly when a desk and rolling chair are all you find available in your hotel room…
How to Save Money Checking Out Online

But you don’t have to rely solely on the lower online price for your savings. You can save even more when checking out online if you employ the following strategies:
5 Responsible Uses for Your Tax Refund

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Green Goals?

A few weeks ago, we asked you about the green habits you already have. We got a lot of solid, tried-and-true green practices and many creative ones, too. This week, in honor of Earth Day — coming up on Monday, April 22! — we want to know what lifestyle changes you want to make to be even more earth friendly…
Credit Card Rejection Part 3

Revising Your Writing, Revising Your Plan
For most of my adult life – and particularly over the past few years – I’ve written several novels and some partial novels. I’m well aware that they’re not good ones, even as I’m writing them. Instead, I work on them in order to improve my skills at characterization and plot development…
Catastrophic Health Insurance: Is it right for you?

Is A Catastrophic Insurance Plan Right For You?
In this down economy, it may seem practical to choose a health insurance plan that has the lowest monthly payments. However, plans that have the lowest monthly premiums also typically have the highest deductibles. For some individuals and families, this may be a good option but for others it could lead to a medical and financial disaster…
Do you know what 1+2+3+4+5+6 through 365 equals?

I’ll tell you: 66,795. In case you were wondering 😉
Doesn’t that seem like WAY more than you would have guessed? I got on this kick yesterday of doing a fun year-long giveaway for you guys (“$1.00 a day which would increase by another one each day for an entire year!) but sadly realized it would bankrupt me…
Let’s Talk About Dying

Financial literacy: What’s my motivation?
This post is from staff writer April Dykman. Were you required to take a personal finance class in high school? I wasn’t. And I’m not in the minority. In fact, only seven states require a personal finance class for graduation, and just nine states require testing student knowledge in personal finance, according to the National Council on Economic Education’s 2007 Survey of the States: Economics and Personal Finance Education in Our Nation’s Schools…
What Are You Teaching Your Children? Make Money Visible in Your Home

A couple of years ago, my son lamented that he had to “save up my money to get anything, but you and dad just go buy what you want.”
This perception of the way we run our finances served as a wake up call to my husband and me. We realized that we didn’t do enough talking about finances around our son…
How I Lost $1,400 Today and Why That’s Okay