How Early Should You Monetize Your New Blog? + MORE

8 Steps To Secure Your WordPress Blog


WordPress blogs are regular targets to brute force attacks. These are the security measures that you can implement today.

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An Internet Marketing Education in 20 Emails. No Charge.
Want to discover the smartest ways to mix social media, content marketing, and SEO for lead generation?
Want to convert those leads to customers and clients?
We’ve got you covered with Internet Marketing for Smart People. And there’s absolutely no charge.
This 20-installment email course and newsletter delivers the techniques and strategies you need to know to become a much smarter marketer online…

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5 Alternatives To Google’s TrafficAre you having your own website? Are you wasting half of your time in observing where your site stands in Google searches engines? Who is visiting your site and when will search engines increase the  rank of your page. This is a very common habit to most of the website owners. But it takes time for Google to manage your rank as there are lots of sites which Google checks…

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Keep an Eye on Bitcoins


Bitcoin is a decentralized (i.e., no single country or organization controls it) digital currency. It was introduced in 2009 by an anonymous hacker, and over the last couple of years it is gathering a lot of interest. In fact if you check Google Trends for the term you’ll notice a huge spike taking place at this very moment in time…

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A common question that I get is ‘how early should I begin to monetize my blog‘.
I understand the concern behind the question – some bloggers certainly like to build their audience before they introduce monetization and you do need readers before whatever monetization model you choose will work – but have always believed that if you intend to monetize your blog one day you should probably do it in some way from early on…

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Instagram Shut Down Hurt Twitter [Infographic]When Twitter cut off Instagram from its API there were questions about the effect the move would have on Twitter. As it turns out the shutdown hurt Twitter’s quarter-over-quarter engagement per photo fell, while Instagram’s own engagement increased by 30 percent.
While Twitter has put a lot of stock in the Twitter Cards system, specifically Twitter Photo Cards, it turns out that most users would rather click on a link to view Instagram photos…

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One thought on “How Early Should You Monetize Your New Blog? + MORE

  1. I started monetizing about a year into blogging with direct ads then I had a post reprinted in a textbook and then I started accepting sponsored posts only recently have I ventured into the realm of adsense and so far i am only weeks into that and am very pleased with the outcome so far
    the site was over three years before I even thought about trying adsense as i wanted to ensure quality content

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