$80 Tablet Good for Entry-Level Use
– moneytalksnews.com

How Online Shopping Helped Folks Save Money
– moneyning.com/

I value experiences much more than stuff these days. But still, I’m able to keep so much more of my hard earned money every time I shop…
What Is An Individual Pension Plan (IPP)?
– canadianfinanceblog.com

Good Advice On How To Better Manage Your Own Money
– financialsamurai.com
For two decades, I’ve been managing my own money. It all started when I saved up $3,000 from random minimum wage jobs to open up an online trading account under my father’s guidance. This was in the early 90′s when Charles Schwab first came out. One time I bought a company which I thought sold software, but was actually a bank! Clearly, I had no idea what I was doing…
3 Home Energy Scams to Avoid
– moneysmartlife.com

Looking for ways to cut your costs is smart, but you need to be careful…
Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Frugality Tip?
– wisebread.com

There are tons of frugal living tips out there. TONS. Some make a lot of sense, others make you think “Huh. That’s…interesting.” Then there are tips that cause you to jump up and go, “Wow! I can’t wait to try it out!” and it turns out that the tip is, indeed, as great as you thought it might be…
LastDollar March 2013 Net Worth
– consumerismcommentary.com/

7 Cheap and Free Ways to Advertise Your Home Business
– financialhighway.com/
Getting the word out about your business doesn’t mean you have to spend hundreds on social media gurus or buy advertising on local networks. There are a number of ways to direct attention to your services that will cost you little or nothing. Use these tips to find yourself some free or cheap promotion:
Benefits of Attending Community College For Two Years
– youngadultmoney.com/

The following is a guest post. If you are interested in guest posting, please contact us for details.
Students and parents may desire a 4 year degree from a prestigious private college, but the average yearly tuition for private institutions is about $36,000 per year. Even 4 year state colleges run about $10,000 per year for in-state residents, contributing to the average $27,000 of debt students in the United States graduated with in 2011…
Selling Fear
– thesimepledollar.com
A few times a week, I’ll hear from a reader who’s really worried about imminent economic collapse. They’ll usually send me a video or a link of some sort in which some economist is talking about how the stock market is about to lose almost all of its value or something similar.
One example of this I’ve seen three times in the last few days is this article from moneynews…
One example of this I’ve seen three times in the last few days is this article from moneynews…
“How do I keep myself satisfied ’till I reach my goals?”
– budgetsaresexy.com/

Got a good email from a reader which I’m sure a lot of you can appreciate – myself included. Some days I’m on point with all this goal stuff, and other times I just wanna quit and be done with it. It can be exhausting staying focused for years and years to come, not to mention DECADES! It’s not easy to stay on top of…
Here’s what our friend wrote:
I am currently running a house, paying off the mortgage, holding down a steady good paying job and running a budget…
Reader Profile: BW
– freemoneyfinance.com
The following is the latest post in my “Reader Profiles” series. Each post in this series details the financial situation and challenges of an FMF reader. The purpose of this series is to help us all identify with people like us (in similar situations — not all will be, of course, but eventually I’m sure you will find someone like you here), get to know the frequent commenters on the site, and hear some financial wisdom/challenges from people other than me…

Mother’s Day will soon be here!
The good news is that the nature of Mother’s Day isn’t about buying expensive trinkets or wowing Mom with an over the top production.
Mother’s Day is about family and togetherness.
These ideas are just a few of the many ways you can show Mom you love her without blowing the budget…
How To Make The House Hunting Process Easier
– prairieEcothrifter.com

Driving around from house to house and sacrificing your time (entire days, sometimes) to being disappointed because the listing just isn’t what it looked like online can really kick your budget to the curb, and in a seller’s market, there’s a good chance that you’ll end up less than thrilled with the negotiations and bidding wars on a home that you became attached to because it seemed just perfect for your family…
Invest like Warren Buffett… but not really
– getrichslowly.org/blog
This is a post from staff writer Robert Brokamp of The Motley Fool. Robert is a Certified Financial Planner and the adviser for The Motley Fool’s Rule Your Retirement service. If you want people to read your investing-related post or book, you’ll increase your chances by mentioning Warren Buffett in your title…