Why UPS Is Poised to Outperform
– fool.com
Market-trouncing returns could be written in this 4-Star.
These 2 Investors Have Made a Bundle on Bank of America
– dailyfinance.com
Filed under: Investing
Every investor knows that the old adage, “Buy low and sell high,” is good investment advice, but the devil is in the details: How does an investor know when to jump in as the pendulum swings from one side to the other?
Having that intuition is doubtless what separates the greatest investors from the rest, and two of these savvy characters, Warren Buffett and Allan Mecham, used their innate knowledge to make sizable investments in Bank of America when the big bank was in dire straits — and both are still reaping the rewards…
Boston Market CEO Michel Discusses Fast Casual Dining (Audio)
– bloomberg.com
April 5 (Bloomberg) — George Michel, chief executive
officer of Boston Market, discusses the restaurant chain. Michel
talks with Bloomberg’s Pimm Fox and Vonnie Quinn on Bloomberg
Radio’s “Taking Stock.”
officer of Boston Market, discusses the restaurant chain. Michel
talks with Bloomberg’s Pimm Fox and Vonnie Quinn on Bloomberg
Radio’s “Taking Stock.”
Forget Investing In Big Banks, These Financial Stocks Are Safer
– streetauthority.com

Not only did the group provide leveraged exposure to economic growth, but they were also a good source of income, with Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC) carrying a dividend yield close to 3% and JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM) boasting a 3…
The Biggest Investment Trends of Our Lives
– http://www.investmentu.com/
Have you heard the news? The ever-evolving world of science, scarce resources and population explosion will alter the world we live in by 2030. In 18 years there will also be a shift in the balance of global power.
This new landscape will be the catalyst for an unprecedented acceleration of political and economic change – so says the U…
This new landscape will be the catalyst for an unprecedented acceleration of political and economic change – so says the U…
Even with a sequential improvement in volumes and margins, Schnitzer faces significant long-term challenges to its business.
Cramer's Lightning Round – Don't Go Down The Food Chain To Wendy's (4/4/13)
– seekingalpha.com
By SA Editor Miriam Metzinger: Stocks discussed on the Lightning Round session of Jim Cramer’s Mad Money TV Program, Thursday April 4. Bullish Calls:Acadia Pharmaceuticals (ACAD): “We like this one because of the hope for its Parkinson’s medication.”Magnum Hunter (MHR): “I prefer Magnum Hunter (to SandRidge)…
Link Into Earnings With LinkedIn
– http://slant.investorplace.com/

That’s LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD).
Just look at the performance. Consider that, while the Facebook IPO remains a big black eye for the company and shares are off considerably from their offer price, LinkedIn offered at $45 and doubled in a day or so…
Re: Index monkeys beat market cap weighting
– bogleheads.org
This article contains links to the papers.http://www.cass.city.ac.uk/news-and-eve … ap-indices