Fly Leasing Ltd. ADS (FLY) Declares $0.22 Quarterly Dividend; 6.3% Yield
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Dividend Stocks With A Quick Payback
Payback is the amount of time needed for an investment to earn its cost, undiscounted. For example, if you buy a dividend stock for $100 that pays a $5 annual dividend, the payback is 20 years (100/5). Though not very sophisticated, payback can still help you screen for good, solid dividend growth stocks…
My money moron budgeting experience
Last week, I watched a couple episodes of The Money Moron and it gave me the courage to look a bit more deeply in my living expenses for the next 2 weeks. I gave myself a $100 for 2 weeks. I busted the amount by $21.54. But it was a bit out of my control. I had paid a Marichito I think its called at Starbuck for me and a co-worker…
Dividend Stocks To Buy As Interest Rates Begin To Rise
For this week’s live discussion at Inside the Market, we were joined by Kash Pashootan, vice-president and portfolio manager at First Avenue Advisory of Raymond James. He is a Chartered Investment Manager and has more than a decade experience in the financial services industry. Mr. Pashootan is a dividend investor with holdings in both U…
Trading Closed End Funds’s (CEF), Why And How?
Today, since I did not have a new tech stock pick to open, I decided to do something that I should do more frequently:) Go into the mail bag:) I get most questions through email (from mailing list members) and that is probably the easiest way. You can also contact me through Twitter or on the IntelligentSpeculator Facebook page:) I answer most questions directly but there are some cases where I feel (after confirming it’s ok) that the answer would be better answered on the blog:) Here is a question I recently received:
“I would be very happy if you covered a small portion of your information on “Closed End Funds”…
“I would be very happy if you covered a small portion of your information on “Closed End Funds”…
Which Is Riskier – 1 Paycheck Or 50 Paychecks?
There is a lot of confusion and fear over investing in the stock market. Although I consider myself an intelligent investor these days, there was a time not long ago that I was a total idiot with money and I certainly thought there was some mysterious voodoo surrounding the stock market. Fear holds many of us back, even when the reasons for fear aren’t really based on facts, but rather self-contrived notions…
Six Slow & Steady Dividend Achievers Boosting Distributions
Dividend growth stocks are the gift the keeps on giving. If you have had the fortitude to identify, analyze and purchase a portfolio of at least 30 individual income stocks, you should be able to enjoy a rising stream of dividend income over time. Whether you reinvest your distributions or decide to spend them, you will be able to generate dividends for many years, from a simple idea that…