Emergencies happen and it is typically between pay periods or right after paying a bill. Not everyone has an ample emergency cash fund setup or the available funds on-hand, especially those with bad credit. No matter what your financial situation is, there are ways for you to get the funds you need in an emergency. Payday Advance If you have a stable source of income and a valid checking account you can obtain a payday advance. The amount that you can borrow is based upon your income. Most people qualify for these types of loans and often there is not...
Emergency Fund. It’s one of the most basic principles in personal finance. People mostly talk about using it in case of unemployment in today’s unstable job market. But what else is that money for, if anything? What is that (presumably) large chunk of change really doing for you? Let’s take a step back. When developing a ideal number for an emergency fund, most of us look at what it would take to sustain our family for approximately 6 months with no income. After all, that’s what the experts suggest, right? But what other “emergencies” have you considered? Unexpected travel due...
When it comes to the lending industry there are some banks and companies who make a bad name for everyone else – just like every other area of finance, and business in general. For a long time payday loans have been viewed as a quick solution to a money problem that has come out of an emergency situation. As the price of living has risen, more and more people have been caught out by unexpected bills they can’t pay. It is really hard to budget your income around something that comes out of the blue and if you find yourself...
When I was younger I had a father who took pride in fixing things around the house. This was not only the economical for him, but it also provided him a sense of accomplishment of handyman services. He used to fix things for a local fitness club too and was very good at it. I used to apprentice with him and he would take me out for ice cream after the job well done. Fast forward about 20 years and I have my own house and have a wife and kids. I have learned to take on the same pride...
While we are no DINKS we are finally the opposite, Dual Income Two Kids about an financial broker. I graduated from the MBA Online degree program back in 2008 and Mrs. MBA graduated with her MBA masters in 2007. I was working while I went to school and we were fortunate enough to be in a situation where she could just focus on school. This worked out well. She finished first and started out substitute teaching until I finished and then we moved closer to her family, so that when we raised our children her mother would watch the kids. ...