Twitter Announces “Twttr” – Will Start Charging $5 A Month If You Want To Tweet Using Vowels
Vowels aren’t really necessary in today’s digital age, are they? Twitter doesn’t think so, as it announced a new “two-tiered” service including its free model called “Twttr.” You can only tweet without vowels though. Want the vowels back? Pony up $5 a month. Seems like a pretty sweet deal to me…
AT&T Says It Has an 'Exclusive' on the 64GB HTC One in the U.S.

In a video on its YouTube account, the carrier made it clear that no other carrier in the U…
Twitter Announces $5 Premium Service (With Free No Vowels “Twttr” Option For Cheapskates)

The catch? The no-cost Twttr option does not allow the use of vowels, meaning users will now have to get very creative with the letter “Y”…
Social Media Resources: Police, Pinterest, and Facebook Admins

Check out our articles below to find out more about each one and how they can help you with your social media goals. And check in every day to Sprout Social Insights for more how to guides and breaking social media news…
Annncng: Twttr

Unerdwear to launch ballsy new line of – wait for it – underwear for nerds

You can find out in a few weeks when a new startup called Unerdwear beings shipping its first ‘softwear’ products to people who sign up to be first in line…