Free Online Event Starts on Monday – The Photoreading Mindfest
The most popular promotions I have ever done have been for the free Mindfests from Learning Strategies. Over 2200 Positivity Blog / Positivity Newsletter readers have signed up for the various fests so far.
Learning Strategies is having another Mindfest and it starts now on Monday, the 29:th of July…
5 Tips to Make Your Dreams Come True

How badly do you want your dreams to come true? Dive deep into these 5 tips and let me know what you think, I’m here to help you.
Tip #1: Write It Out
How serious are you to making your dreams come true? If you’re really serious, and actually committed, then take 5 minutes now — just 5 minutes! — and write down exactly what you want to come true…
The Importance of Taking Personal Responsibility in Any Self-Help or Personal Development Program

Don’t Let Your Children Fail In School. Know The Top 3 Distractions That Keep Students From Studying.

With a generation growing up with the ability to find an answer to any relatively simple question in seconds and being used to holding a phone or tablet in hand, it seems that many have also lost the ability to stay focused on a single task for long periods of time.
For college students, that can be an issue as they try to study for a test or sit down to write a paper…
How Fear Of Intimacy Is Wrecking Your Relationship

and calling it a life?…
For how long will you continue to listen to those dark shouters,
caution and prudence?
Fall in! Fall in! ~Mary Oliver
Once upon a time, you met someone who sent you into… Continue Reading…
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Long-Distance Relationship

You…A Leader?

I know! It’s a shocking question!
Let’s face it, most people, including many of those who think they’re leaders, really aren’t. They are leaders only in title. The people they lead aren’t really being led. They are being duped or coerced into doing whatever it is they’re supposed to do…
The Power of a Good Partner

Photo by Wesley Eller
By Tammy Renzi
Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. – Dr. Seuss
I was growing by leaps and bounds. My weekends were spent in various staff development seminars or sitting at the kitchen table planning lessons. I received The Teacher of the Year award. Every year, I received glowing reviews…