Tool to Measure the Speed of Your Website + MORE

Tool to Measure the Speed of Your Website + MORE

Blog This! Sometimes Going Back to Basics Leads to the Best PostsToday, I’m preparing some slides for a keynote I’m doing tomorrow. I included this diagram – something that Chris Garrett came up with years ago as a way to show new bloggers what they should blog about.

The idea – obviously – is to find the connecting point between what YOU know (lessons you’ve learned, problems you’ve overcome, experiences that you’ve had etc) and what your readers (or potential readers) want (or need) to know…

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The Foolproof Way to Get Attention from Famous BloggersThere are so many tips out there for catching the eye of the big bloggers you admire.
“Comment on their posts and they’re sure to notice you.” – Yeah, maybe. Eventually.
“Offer them a guest post you’ve written specially for them.” – That’s nice. They see a lot of those, though…

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Another thing that affects the banner ads is the rising popularity of different ad-blocking plugins for Firefox, Chrome and other browsers.

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Could Mobile Responsive Website Design Hurt Your SEO?
Allow your jaw to become unhinged at this statistic:
There are over 1 million more mobile devices activated every day across the world than there are babies born.
Yeah, mind = blown.
Indeed, designing with a mobile-first mindset becomes more important — quite literally — by the day. As does answering burning questions related to mobile design best practices…

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Tool to Measure the Speed of Your WebsiteA couple of weeks ago I came across an interesting tool to measure the loading speed of your website. The tool was created by Pingdom, and it basically loads your website, tracking the time at each stage of the process. It’s called Pingdom Website Speed Test.
Once the test completes you’ll with a score (varies from 0 to 100), the number of requests performed (i…

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