Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese?
There are some books in the business world that are considered absolute classics, books that provide insights into modern business expressed in the best possible way. Good to Great, The World is Flat, and How to Win Friends & Influence People are all among these business books, the ones that any businessperson should read…
Top Personal Finance Articles #12
We had a pretty fun week –not. Our little man has started to get his first tooth and he is none too happy about it. I can’t help but feel sorry for him, I know it hurts, but there just isn’t that much more we can do for him that we aren’t already doing. Hopefully it makes its way out quickly so that he can go back to being a happy little bubba…
California is Voted the Worst State for Business Infographic

I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 05/03
It’s been a crazy weather week here in Minnesota. On Tuesday we were outside in shorts and t-shirts enjoying 75 degree weather at my son’s baseball practice. Yesterday I had to throw on my winter jacket and boots to shovel 13.5 inches of snow that got dumped on us from the largest snow storm ever to hit Minnesota in May…
Investor Class Video #4 – Rebalancing: How To Not Lose Your Ass Investing
Before we dive in to the actual asset classes, I want to make sure you’re not over-staying your welcome at the party. Before reading on, make sure you’ve figured out your target asset allocation (I show you how to do that, here).
Seriously, this won’t make sense unless you know your target asset class…
Seriously, this won’t make sense unless you know your target asset class…
Are We Afraid of the Wrong Things?

This is a guest post from Dr. Noa Kageyama. A performance psychologist and Juilliard graduate, Dr. Kageyama teaches musicians how to do their best under pressure. He blogs at Bulletproof Musician, a website that teaches musicians how to overcome stage fright, performance anxiety, and other blocks to peak performance…
Murphy Doesn’t Care if You’re Trying to get out of Debt

Why Pet Hospitals can be a Scam

Just after I wrote about the costs of owning a dog and cat last week, our cat got sick for the first time in her life. I know, we probably deserved it being that I didn’t allot much for a vet visit in our costs, but I didn’t expect it would happen the next day. We learned a valuable lesson through the whole ordeal, so I figured I’d share it here…
6 Tips on Finding Legit Binary Options Broker
In the past, binary options trading was limited to only a few people, due to which the number of brokers was also limited. In the past few years, binary options trading has rapidly gained popularity, as a result of which many brokers have emerged. Many of these are just a hoax being used to steal …..
Frugal Friday: Is a 4 Year Diploma Still Worth it?
Happy Friday everyone! It’s been quite the week, but a good week nonetheless. Several months ago I wrote a somewhat contentious post which asked, Is A College Degree Worth it. I tend to fall on the side that a college degree, in general, is worth it for many students…assuming they go into it making an informed decision and not looking to take on massive student loan debt for a degree in underwater basket weaving…
Weekly roundup: Jaws, Ironman and Gift Cards

Happy Friday Dinks. It’s the first Friday in May, what are you up to this weekend? Iron Man 3 starts today so I am hoping to see that movie this weekend. As I get older I am not as tolerant of crowds as I used to be. I definitely won’t see Iron Man 3 on Friday night but maybe Nick and I will go see it on Saturday or Sunday afternoon in an attempt to avoid the crowds…
Fun for Friday: You Know You are Tired When…
You know you are tired when you sleep like Jenny I wish I could sleep anywhere like Miss Jenny up there. That would solve all my problems. I don’t know about everyone else, but I feel like I have been … Continue reading →The post Fun for Friday: You Know You are Tired When… appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…
Choosing Mom Over Money

Keep Your Eye on the Marshmallow! Book Review and Giveaway

Also, the links below are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through them I’ll be eternally thankful to you AND I’ll get a tiny commission…
VIDEO: “Social Media Rock Star Makes $28,000 Per Year” – The Onion
Social Media Rock Star Makes $28,000 Per Year
(The Onion)
(The Onion)
I Hired a Maid!

The Super Secret Equation to Help You Get Rich

Cutting the Cord Can Be More Expensive than You Think + A Giveaway

Over the past decade, more and more people have been “cutting the cord” and canceling their cable or satellite TV subscriptions in favor of streaming online video and a return to free over-the-air network television programming. Read just about any personal finance blog that talks about frugality and eventually they will advise that anyone interesting in cutting costs should ditch cable*…
What’s your financial independence (retirement) number?

Samsung 50-inch LED HDTV Giveaway!

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.Photo courtesy of
So, we are smack dab in the middle of Game of Thrones: Season 3…and let’s just say, it is AWESOME! Each week, I think that the episodes couldn’t get any better, but they do. I’ve even read the books, and I’m still blown away by seeing them happen on my television screen…
A meet and greet with Johnny Moneyseed

First of all, hello!
You should be aware that my main goal for this blog isn’t to teach personal finance, it’s more of a way to document my path toward Early Retirement…