How to Overcome Self-Help Fatigue and Make Inspiration Stick + MORE

Why I Gave Away 2,000 Books In April


Why I Gave Away 2,000 Books In AprilWhen something radically changes your life, you want to share it with others.
Years ago I read an intriguing article from a woman known as the Fly Lady. She had a message to anyone who had a messy house. Start with the kitchen sink. Clean that sink as you have never done before. Soak it in bleach, use elbow grease, and then polish it up to a sparkling shine…

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3 Ways Being Yourself Leads To New Opportunity

When we don’t speak up, we’re guilty.

When we pretend to know something we don’t, we’re guilty.

When we’re scared to be comfortable in our own skin, we’re guilty.

So many of us walk around violating the one thing we’re born with: being ourselves.

Last week, I was having a conversation with a dear friend who is looking for a job…

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How to Overcome Self-Help Fatigue and Make Inspiration StickAre you addicted to “inspiration porn” like I am?During a recent weekend, I spent nearly an entire day reading post after post by some of my favorite inspirational and personal development bloggers.Want to know how I felt the next day?Terrible.  I felt bloated and heavy from my overindulgence.But I also felt small and cynical…

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How To Stop Being So Hard On Yourself
Everyone gets rejected, says the wrong things and experiences failure. When it happens to you, there is no reason to be so hard on yourself. 
You don’t have to be your own worst enemy. Beating up on yourself doesn’t get you anywhere. No matter what you will always be a person of value! 
Instead, choose to change;create a new habit…

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Life is to short to worry…


Life is to short to worry…
The post Life is to short to worry… appeared first on Motivational quotes and posters.

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Speed Is Not of the Essence!


Speed Is Not of the Essence!
Yup…the pace of the world is out of control.  Time flies by faster and faster.  Change upsets your place in the world at break-neck speed.  There is no stopping to catch your breath…everything is moving too fast to do that!  You’re desperate for a rest area so you can collect your thoughts and reset your course to wherever it was that you want to go…

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Build Your Own Long-Armed, Reusable Duster to Clean Hard to Reach Places Dusting is nobody’s favorite chore, but you can make it a lot easier with this DIY duster.Read more…    

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Stanley Green talks about Resilience on The Self Improvement Show This WeekStanley Green knows about resilience. Do you? How do you react when you’ve had a really bad day? What do you do when you mess up the big sale, or get in a fight with your spouse or your boss? What would you do if  you lost your job to someone less skilled or knowledgeable? When things go wrong, do you sulk in a corner or come out stronger than ever, ready to take on new challenges? Why is it that given the same situation and circumstances one person will give up and quit and another will learn, grow and triumph? Do you deflate or bounce back? Stan Green will talk about this “bounce back” factor called “resilience” and tell us about an online course designed to help you assess your own level of  resilience and develop the skills to deal with life’s stresses and setbacks with greater equanimity…

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6 Lies Your Depression Wants You to Believe (& How to Not Fall Into the Trap)
Photo by Luis Hernandez
By Kavetha Sundaramoorthy
The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking. – Albert Camus
When depression hits, it hijacks your thoughts and feelings. It whispers seductive lies into your ears; lies that gradually start sounding like the truth…

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