Marketing Day: April 15, 2013
iPhone Users Do More Virtual Shopping Than Android Users

A greater percentage of iPhone users (67.5 percent) use mobile apps for commerce compared to Android users (43…
Everything You Need to Know to Promote Your Business with Facebook Offers

What you may not have realized is that Facebook Offers aren’t just available to major brands — you can use them whether you’re selling a product or not…
How to Dissect a Prospect in 6 Revealing Steps

Profitable companies everywhere have come to understand the power of community, even reaching far beyond the purchase of goods and services.
A vibrant community today plays a role product development, problem solving, culture, branding and even finance…
Let Leonardo da Vinci inspire your creativity

Today seems an appropriate time to share it with you.
“Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigour of the mind…
Google Glass is Watching You: Are You Protected?

Amazing? Absolutely. Dangerous? Potentially…
How to Optimize Your Social Content for the Facebook Mobile App

So instead of asking you if your company ready to join the mobile revolution, I’l ask you …
What is The Future of Content for Marketers?

It’s a pretty compelling question: What is the Future of Content? What’s in store for content marketing?
With the growing adoption of brand publishing and convergence of paid, owned, earned and shared media, many companies are looking forward to what’s next…
The Art of Leadership: 2 Lessons You Can’t Lead Without
Is Your Business an Art or a Science?Don’t Be a Boss. Be a LeaderBenchmark Presents: Introduction to Online Marketing
Five PR Lessons From ‘The Voice’
7 Ways to Use Facebook for Marketing

Survey Results: How To Improve The Deployment Of WordPress Websites

As WordPress matures into a full-fledged CMS and more and more large online publishers come to rely on the platform, the practice of developing and deploying websites becomes increasingly important. High-profile members of the WordPress community, such as core developer Mark Jaquith and Cristi Burca, have spoken on the topic and built tools such as WP-CLI and WP Stack to improve the professionalism of our administration and deployment…