Dividend Stocks You Should Buy
– dividends4life.com
According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), global per-barrel oil prices will fall below $100 by the end of 2014. Additionally, the US oil imports will reduce to half of the mid-2000 level. This decline in imports is an indicator to the upsurge in the domestic oil production. The US per-day oil production in 2014, could reach its highest level in the past two-and-a-half decades…
Richardson Electronics Ltd (RELL) Declares $0.06 Quarterly Dividend; 2% Yield
– streetinsider.com
Visit StreetInsider.com at http://www.streetinsider.com/Dividends/Richardson+Electronics+Ltd+%28RELL%29+Declares+%240.06+Quarterly+Dividend%3B+2%25+Yield/8246354.html for the full story.
Dividend Mantra Purchases Air Products & Chemicals (APD)
– thediv-net.com
Not a lot of value in the market currently, but I’m still doing what I do best: buying ownership stakes in the highest quality companies I possibly can. Not overpaying, even for very high quality, is extremely important, but the broader market continues to rally and leaves little opportunity to get a real steal on great individual assets…
Does Fixed Income Allocation Make Sense for Dividend Investors Today?
– dividendgrowthinvestor.com
Income portfolio diversification is important in order to maintain dependability to your dividend checks when the proverbial bad apple cuts or eliminates distributions. When a whole sector turns out to include an above average concentration of bad apples, which was the case with financials between 2007 and 2009, investors that had allocations to other sectors should have been able to maintain the level of their distributions consistent…
Dividend Mantra On The Today Show!
– dividendmantra.com

Well, the secret is already out.
I was featured as part of a story on retiring before 40 years old this morning on Today.
If you haven’t already seen the feature, please check it out below:
My story on Today!
Pretty awesome! I’m so excited that the fact that it’s quite possible for a middle class earner here in the U…
NVDA Makes Bullish Cross Above Critical Moving Average
– forbes.com/sites/dividendchannel

More Thoughts On Google (GOOG)
– intelligentspeculator.net

What Cyprus Banks Have in Common with US And Canadian Banks?
– thedividendguyblog.com
Warning: Bank Lovers Are Going To Be Heart Broken
If you have been hiding under a pile of rock for the past three weeks, you probably missed two things:
#1 There is a change of seasons happening as spring is finally coming
#2 The headwind that comes with season changes hits the markets with bad news
And banks will take the wind directly in their faces…
What Happened in Cyprus
You are probably well aware of what happened in Cyprus over the past month since it hit the first page of most financial newspapers…
Canada top bank? TD Canada Trust, of course
– myfirst50000.com
For the long time readers (I only write this blog for you anyway), you know that I hold a TD Visa. For the past few years, TD Visa has offer me a very low interest rate on my credit card balance transfer. Each time, the low interest remain valid for 6 months, at the condition that payment is being made on time every month…