“Why Work If We’ve Got Obama?” Said My Rich Friend….
– financialsamurai.com

Cubit sells demographic data: $20 basic demographic reports, a web app that people use to pull demographic data, and a consulting branch that does custom data research.
In 2009, Cubit took a small round of funding from a local Austin seed stage investment group…
Friday Links
– canadianfinanceblog.com
If you’re looking to invest in bonds, you’ll want to check out Boomer and Echo’s post that discusses, Are Bonds A Safe Investment?
The Canadian Personal Finance Blog investigates if the Lack of Owing Money Buys Happiness?
The Retire Happy Blog shows you The Value of a Financial Mentor…
4 Reasons That Renting Isn’t “Throwing Money Away”
– moneyning.com/

One of the many hallmarks of adulthood in America is buying a home of your own. After all, having a white picket fence and all that comes with it is the American dream. And if you listen to experts (or even your know-it-all aunt), you’ll never find a better time to buy than right now — while the real estate market is still in recovery and interest rates remain low…
A Case for Penny Pinching – Habits of Some Richest Celebrities
– onecentatatime.com

Is Off Shore Banking a Good Choice?
– free money wisdom

5 Crucial Things Every Income Investor Needs To Know
– libertyinvestor.com
Don’t worry, it’s not dangerous. In fact, if you’re an income investor, then this might be the start of a very prosperous trend.
Between 2012 and 2030, roughly 10,000 Americans will turn 65 every day. You might be among them…
7 Reasons Why the Keystone XL Pipeline Should Be Approved
– moneycrashers.com
7 Common Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Make and How To Avoid Them
– retireat21.com
Citi ThankYou Preferred vs. Chase Sapphire
– moneysmartlife.com

Retirement Planning If You’re Under 30
– wisebread.com

Hey, you know what sucks? Being under 30.
I’m not saying that from personal experience — I’ll be 30 in myself in just a few months, and I’ve enjoyed my 20s just fine, thank you. But if you read any personal finance news or advice, being a 20-something is apparently the worst — we’re saddled with student loans, burdened by a tepid job market, sinking in quicksandy credit card debt, supposedly spending our money wrong, having trouble getting health insurance, and, oh yeah — supposed to be saving as much as possible for retirement as quickly as possible…
5 For Friday: What Do You Buy in Bulk?
– budgetsaresexy.com/

Happppppppppy Friday y’all! Before you go out and spend a lot of money this weekend stocking up, I thought we’d talk a little about bulk purchases today and see if any of you have some sexy pointers you want to share. Along w/ other random info about your bulky life 😉
Here is this month’s 5 For Friday…
7 Ways to Reduce Household Waste
– prairieEcothrifter.com

You can reduce the amount of waste you contribute to the problem with a little planning and creativity…
Owing a 4-plex can be a pain…
– retireby40.org/

I finally finished our 2012 tax return and I can share the details from the 4-plex now…
Reader Profile: JB
– freemoneyfinance.com
10 Cheap, Effective Ways to Pest-Proof Your Home
– moneytalksnews.com

Sheltered Children and Money Troubles
– thesimepledollar.com
Ask the Readers: Do you save more or less than your parents?
– getrichslowly.org/blog

TurboTax (formerly QuickTax) Short Review and Giveaway
– milliondollarjourney.com
Take the Best Job you Can Get & Worry About the Rest Later
– 20somethingfinance.com/

9 Crazy Tax Deductions That Actually Worked
– genxfinance.com/

There are your common tax deductions and then there are others. The ultimate goal when doing your taxes is trying to minimize the amount of money that you give up to the government and with that in mind some people get pretty creative to say the least. Check out the article I wrote on some of the weirdest tax write offs for some good examples of people trying to go a little too far in minimizing there tax burden…
Two Key, Overlooked Estate Planning Moves
– libertyinvestor.com
That doesn’t mean there aren’t estate planning worries. Many people are overlooking other key changes taking place…
5 Mental and Physical Benefits to Paying Off Debt
– debtmovement.com/blog/

When I was on my journey towards becoming debt free, I wondered the same thing.
Some of the normal benefits of course are; not living paycheck to paycheck, the freedom to travel and actually have some “fun money”.
But in addition to the main ones, I noticed there were some other intangible but very real side-affects that I experienced when paying off my debts…
Friday Giveaway Roundup – 103 Giveaways
– youngadultmoney.com/

Welcome to the weekly Friday giveaway roundup! Every single Friday we post giveaways ending within the next week. If you want to make sure you never miss one of these posts be sure to subscribe via RSS or Email.
Today I’m happy to announce another record number of giveaways as we have 103 Giveaways listed below! The nice thing about having so many giveaways is that you can pick and choose which ones you enter since you may not want, say a baby carrier, if you don’t have a baby…
More Americans Wary Of Debt, Saving For Future
– libertyinvestor.com
A new retrospective study that examines how Americans’ handling of their money has changed since 2008 shows that more people today are getting aggressive with their debts, while simultaneously setting aside more money in savings and to start emergency funds…