It’s time to start living + MORE

Looking For Answers? I’m As Clueless As You Are
Photo by Ansel Edwards Photography
By David Masters
I didn’t know what I was doing when, as a child, I begged my parents for a dog.
Yet I found myself, 12 years old, with a puppy. I had to get up every morning at a time I’d never before heard of to clean up its mess. I had to go out in the wind and rain and winter-chill to take it for a walk, day after day after day…

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How to Overcome Perfectionism


How to Overcome Perfectionism
Image by Mitya Kuznetsov (license).
One of the most common and destructive thought habits I have ever encountered is perfectionism.
It holds you back from actually getting all the way to done with a lot in life. It may hold you back from even trying to do something because you feel you have to do it perfectly…

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The Airlines with the Most In-Flight Wi-Fi Planes A few years back, in-flight Wi-Fi was something maybe available to the President of the United States. Now it’s on every airline, but not quite every plane. Which airlines are most likely to give you the option? More »

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Book Review: Super Humor Power by Steve Wilson


Book Review: Super Humor Power by Steve WilsonThis is a tiny book with big a big impact. I keep it on my computer table and I pick it up when I need a laugh or when I need a change of pace. Why? Because it gives my mind a break and makes me smile. Sometimes it makes me ponder a different thought than the one I’ve been “chewing on.”  At other times it gives me a moment of relaxation and pushes me through the dreaded “writer’s block” so I can get on with my day…

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3 Rules to Help You Fight the Tyranny of Perfection
Have you ever felt paralyzed by somebody else’s perfection? Afraid to move forward out of fear of failure? Looking down on your own hard earned achievements when there is somebody who in your mind is better in the world. Trust me, you are not alone.
Does it have to be like that? I say no and I will share 3 simple rules that will help you accept non-perfection when perfection is holding you back…

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Future Stock


Future Stock 
No…I didn’t say SHOCK.  I did mean to say STOCK in the title of this post.  My purpose is to get you thinking about the value of the stock you place on your future…stock, as in assessing a situation.  After all your future is a situation you create.  You might as well take stock of it before you get there because once you’re there it is too late to do much about it…

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It’s time to start living


It’s time to start living
The post It’s time to start living appeared first on Motivational quotes and posters.

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Why You Should be Happy When You Are Not in LoveWe all think of love. Love and relationships play an important role in our life. Many people feel lonely when they are not in love. They search for the information on how to cope with loneliness. But, try to find advantages in this situation. Just believe that your love is still waiting for you.
So, what pros of not being in love are there? Here you’ve got a list of 12 reasons to be happy if you are not in love…

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