Net Worth: April 2013

Have Huge Medical Bills? Get Crafty with Your Payments

How many times have you skipped a doctor visit you needed because you didn’t have health care coverage?
After all, your shoulder hurts, but you can live with it, right? There’s no point in going to the doctor just so he can tell you about x-rays, meds, and therapy that’ll likely cost a few grand…
How To Pick A Good Rewards Credit Card When The Banks Don’t Want You

Apparently everyone in the world is constantly changing credit cards to get better bonuses, more rewards, 0% interest on balance transfers and signing bonuses. There is an exciting world of free stuff out there and I have been letting it pass me by because keeping the cards I have had for years is easy and comfortable and fits my slightly slothlike lifestyle…
Security As Virtual As It Is Vital
The country has been under economic sanctions from the West since the 1950s. Not even China has much sympathy for the odd society that used to be its strategic and philosophical neighbor.
Recently, Dennis Rodman did a meet and greet with North Korea’s newest leader, Kim Jong Un, who follows the dynastic line of leaders that have run the country since the end of the Korean War…
5 Deductions You Want (And 3 You Don’t)
Here are five deductions you want and three you don’t…
Few Ways to have More Spring break Fun with Less Budget

Heading for Financial Trouble? Take This Quick Quiz and Find Out

Is it possible you don’t need an emergency fund?
Don’t Be Taken in By a Ponzi Scheme

Unfortunately, investing doesn’t work like that. In fact, orderly and consistent investment returns are a sign of a Ponzi scheme…
Do You Need to Be Fit to Apply For Life Insurance

When you apply for life insurance, the insurer will look at a number of factors to decide if you are insurable, and how much to charge in premiums if they decide to insure you…
The 3 Step Solution to Erase Your Debt

Everyone knows how to solve debt and credit problems — make more and spend less.
However, knowing what to do is one thing; actually getting it done is another matter.
If you are in debt, then those results prove that something is standing between you and the solution you already fully understand…
You Can Always Switch Where Your Money’s Going.

I’ve been meaning to blog about this for quite some time, and then over the weekend a fellow reader got it out of me in an email exchange 🙂 Which is copied & pasted below for your pleasure/learning/entertainment. Nothing incredibly Earth shattering or anything, but nonetheless something to keep in mind if you’re debating between some serious decisions…
Study Ranks Best And Worst States For Financial Freedom
The “Freedom in the 50 States” study ranks each State’s “overall” freedom through an examination of several metrics that affect how individuals live…
5 Reasons Skipping a Conference Might be a Good Choice

Are all conferences worth attending? I think the answer depends on the conference and what each individual wants to get out of attending the conference. If you are a company that is pitching products to people attending, it will depend on your product and the audience that will be attending the conference…
How Does Inflation Affect a Mortgage?
My brother has argued with me that I shouldn’t make any extra payments on our mortgage because we’re losing money over the long term by making early payments. He says that with inflation at 3% and our money able to earn 1% at minimum in a savings account and more if we do other things, we’re losing money by making early payments on our 3…
Net Worth Update March 2013 (+2.19%)
Happy Birthday to Me!
This site is about one simple thing: growing your net worth…
101 Useful Things You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less

Do you have 15 minutes to spare?
You can’t tackle a long-term project or a complicated problem that requires deep concentration and uninterrupted thinking in the busyness of a typical day. But there are many things you can accomplish in 15 minutes or less…
Three Reasons I Prefer Experiences to Things

Coverdell Education Savings Account Overview & Comparison to 529 Plans

There is yet one more option out there – the Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA)…
The Main Reasons To Do And Not To Do Your Own Taxes
When you don’t know your boss is getting a huge bonus for saving the firm money by screwing your bonus, you’re happy. When you don’t know the reason why you didn’t get into the fellowship program is because the managing director is a woman who hates men with different political ideals, you’re happy…
Spring Fever Perception of Reality

Wow, we just had 3 gloriously warm and sunny days in Portland. On Saturday, the temperature hit 77 degrees in the Rose City, breaking the record by 6 degrees. The average high temperature won’t get this high until July so you can imagine how unusual this is. We went out for a walk and a picnic lunch to make the best of a beautiful Saturday…