Back to the Future: Forecasting Your Organic Traffic

Great Scott! I am finally back again for another spectacularly lengthy post, rich with wonderful titles, and this time – statistical goodness. It just so happens, that in my past short-lived career, I was a Forecast Analyst (not this kind). So today class, we will be learning about the importance of forecasting organic traffic and how you can get started…
4 Mobile Search Trends Tackled At SMX West 2013
The 2013 SMX West conference could have easily be confused as the first SMX Authorship show with extensive interest in and questions surrounding Google’s use of authorship and the prominence of those articles associated with verified authors. However, it was mobile that led the way with one…
Mathematical Ideas for Marketers
Posted by willcritchlow
I've been hiding from my natural geekiness recently. My last few blog posts and my most recent presentations have all been about broad marketing ideas, things that play out well in the boardroom, and big picture "future of the industry" stuff.
I've been hiding from my natural geekiness recently. My last few blog posts and my most recent presentations have all been about broad marketing ideas, things that play out well in the boardroom, and big picture "future of the industry" stuff.
Although those topics are all well and good, sometimes I need to feed the geek…
The Resurgence of Long-Tail Keywords in SEO
Long-tail keywords continue to be a powerful way to leverage search traffic, especially with the growing competition around highly-sought after core keywords. Here’s how to make them work for your SEO purposes and help increase conversions.
10 Steps to Moving Your Site to A New Domain
We just moved our site to a new domain, and while the process was a pain, it's done now and with no major issues. Here is how we did it — and if I missed something, I hope you'll let me know!
1: Prepare for the Worst
Take a complete backup of your site. Make sure you have administrator access as well as the username and password to your hosting account, e-mail admin account and your content management system…
1: Prepare for the Worst
Take a complete backup of your site. Make sure you have administrator access as well as the username and password to your hosting account, e-mail admin account and your content management system…