Yakezie Carnival July 21 – Pecos Bridge Edition
– edwardantrobus.com
Pecos Street Bridge, rolling down the highway.
What is so special about a bridge? This one is moving! Yesterday afternoon, hundreds came out to Pecos Street near Interstate 70 in Denver to watch the rare event of a moving bridge. Rather than close the interstate several times over the course of months, when the Pecos Street bridge was replaced, the new bridge was built in a nearby parking lot and was loaded up on trucks and rolled into place…
What is so special about a bridge? This one is moving! Yesterday afternoon, hundreds came out to Pecos Street near Interstate 70 in Denver to watch the rare event of a moving bridge. Rather than close the interstate several times over the course of months, when the Pecos Street bridge was replaced, the new bridge was built in a nearby parking lot and was loaded up on trucks and rolled into place…
Use But Not Abuse Credit
– doablefinance.com
Here I am waiting, just waiting, anticipating a chance to see you so I can embrace you, hug you. I sit here not for hours but days and months that you would show up one day and I would tell you all the loving things that I have in my heart. I need you now … Continue Reading »
Eyes on the Dollar 20/20 Roundup #43- Pacific Northwest Vacation
– eyesonthedollar.com

Sunset Beach, Oregon
We made it back from our big trip yesterday. After spending almost two weeks in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, it’s good to be home. We haven’t taken a trip that long since before our daughter was born, and we’ve certainly never taken such a big trip without racking up credit card debt, so score one for the Eyes on the Dollar family! There was so much to see and do, and I’m sure you’ll get sick of hearing about it, but it’s my blog and I can show all the pictures I want…