GlobeInvestor Special Offer and Weekend Reading!
If you are a personal finance enthusiast, you are likely a follower of Recently, they decided to install a pay wall to obtain paid subscribers for reading their articles (you still get 5 free articles a month). It typically costs $0.99 for the first month, then $19…
How to Sell Your Skills as an Older Worker

For most, it will involve some form of work…
Find the Best CD Rates for Investing Your Money
While IRAs offer several tax benefits, there are reasons you might consider depositing those funds into a Certificate of Deposit (CD)…
The Main Reasons Why People Want To Quit Their Jobs

I firmly believe managers don’t do enough to express gratitude towards their employees. If they did, there would be much less turnover, much higher worker satisfaction, and ultimately higher profits for the firm…

When she began teaching KinderJam classes her goal was to help the family finances by paying the car bill…
Help a Reader: Using an LLC
My wife and I own 2 rental properties. Both homes were our primary residences before we were married and we have mortgages on both properties. She lived in a one bedroom condo in a popular, very walkable neighborhood and when we married in 2010, she moved in to my home which is a 3BR 2BA home in a first ring suburb…
Frugality and Desperation
Debit Card Pay: Extra Fees or Money-Saving Opportunity?

Beware of These Common Scams That Target Retirees

Retirees are a favorite target of scammers and con artists. Not only do many retirees have a large nest egg that they might not know how to invest, but they also might feel reluctant to involve their family in their decisions, for fear of losing independence. These two factors mean that retirees are particularly vulnerable to scams…
Get Some Gas Today: Prices May Surge Soon

SavedPlus Giving Away $3,000 to Wise Bread Readers

SavedPlus, a free savings tool that automatically deposits a small percentage of your purchases into your savings account, is doing a huge giveaway for Wise Bread readers! They are offering two big giveaways:
$1,000 giveaway: A random drawing exclusive to Wise Bread readers…
Ask the Readers: What are the most important money lessons that parents should teach their children?
Writing Wrap Up + Good News About Freelance Income

Let’s get to the updates…
Blog Update
I can’t believe I forgot to tell y’all something kind of awesome!!
Last month I made more income from my side hustles than I did from my day job! First time ever! EVER!
It might not be a regular thing since I had two big contracts come through in June that were upfront payments for 3 months of work…
The Weekly Quick Hits Roundup

Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup! Every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are over 200 giveaways listed that end today through next Thursday…