Money – Source of Freedom or Frustration?

Have you ever envied people that are able to easily make gobs of money while doing something they really enjoy? Sadly, most people have a completely different financial reality. How do you feel about that?
Money occupies a very unique place in our lives for several reasons. When making it is something that we struggle with, then we can end up spending huge chunks of our time and energy doing things we don’t really want to do, just so we can pay the bills…
Will You “Go the Extra Mile?”

If you want to finally break free from average and achieve the meaning and fulfillment, you have always desired, then it is time for you to accept that you must “GO THE EXTRA MILE” All the people I have researched and studied, who live fulfilling lives, do not perform at average levels, they all “GO THE EXTRA MILE” with everything they do…
Can’t Resist It

Some things are very easy to put aside or, to put that more dramatically, discard. Take for example a used car you want to trade-in for that shiny new vehicle. Another example might be you want the latest mobile phone technology so it’s very easy to dump your current phone for one with all the newest bells and whistles…
How Today’s Priorities Impact Your Future

Photo by Ángelo González
By Betsy Talbot
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. – Søren Kierkegaard
Seven years ago I was living in suburban Boston, Massachusetts with my husband and wondering how we were going to make it work. We were both traveling too much for our jobs, and our time together was almost nonexistent…
Why Walking Is Almost as Healthy as Running

How to Ask Yourself Great Questions

In my life coaching training program, one of my first homework assignments was to make a list of 100 empowering questions we could ask clients in coaching sessions. These are open-ended questions that generally begin with the word how, why or what. They elicit more than a yes, no or simple answer…
The Power of Gratitude: 5 Simple Tips That Will Help You

How to Stop Incessant Fights from Ruining Your Relationship