Looking Beyond the Labels We Use to Describe People
– theselfimprovementblog.com/

We cannot communicate at all without some level of conceptualizing or labellings of the world around us. When I say the word ‘tree’ it covers an incredible diversity of different forms of vegetation and even if I sub-divide the category ‘tree’ into oaks and pines and beech and maple etc…
How Can Couples Share Their Digital Space?
– lifehacker.com

The 5 Greatest Personal Development Strategies That Actually Work
– pickthebrain.com

There are thousands of different strategies and ideas on how to improve your life.
But how are you supposed to know what really works? By these three metrics:
Your personal experience (what has worked for you before?)
Science and research of how humans grow and change (how does change generally work?)
Others’ experience (what has worked for others?)
Only you can know the first part, but I’m here to help out with numbers 2 + 3…
Nothing is impossible
– motivationblog.org

WTF: Working Through Fear
– theboldlife.com

On some level, we believe that if we could predict the future, we’d be happier. If we could stay in our comfort zone, we’d remain safe. If we didn’t have to experience change, our lives would be easier.
Personally, I find comfort zones monotonous and enjoy the feelings that anticipation and uncertainty brings…
The Great Pretender
– garygreenfield.com/blog.html

Okay…many of you reading this post may never have heard of the outstanding Pop singing group, The Platters. If you haven’t, well get with it and do a YouTube search and listen to some of their amazing music. Yes, they are from another era but their words are just as current as that of Bruno Mars or some other contemporary Pop sensation…
Tech Tips: 6 Ways to Maximize Your Internet Speed
– dumblittleman.com

Why I Can Now Thank My Battle With an Eating Disorder
– thechangeblog.com

Photo by daniellehelm
By Tegan Westra
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. – Marcus Aurelius
I still remember the day I forced myself to throw up for the first time.
I was sitting at home on the couch watching my favourite TV show at the time ‘Home and Away’…