Rolling Over My Retirement Accounts Into Vanguard

Whether you two are new to investing or you’re looking to optimize your current investment plans, I hope this week’s articles help both of you build your family’s net worth. Like I mentioned Monday, we’re getting our retirement system optimized and that included opening a retirement account in 20 minutes with Betterment…
Why Game of Thrones is my Favorite New TV Show and a TV Giveaway!
Mrs. Frugal Rules and I enjoy watching TV for an hour or so at night before heading to bed. We have a handful of shows that we record, most of which are on network TV or on HBO. We have a nice TV and we view watching it, and our HBO subscription, as entertainment. We rarely go to the movies anymore and seem to find higher quality programs on TV…
Be Honest with Yourself First

“The lies we tell other people are nothing to the lies we tell ourselves.”
― Derek Landy
Self-deception is nothing new for human beings. Researchers have been studying why we lie for decades and the reasons run the gamut from self-preservation to biological imperative…
Dear Becky: A Letter About Retirement Planning

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.Dear Becky,
Congratulations on your recent decision to purchase a dragon tattoo! I must say that the artwork is fabulous. Since you obviously wanted to buy something that would last forever, I’m glad that you decided to do it right…
Can You Have Too Much Money?

Realistically there are so many different ways that people can end up with more money than they know what to do with…
Meet My Weakness: Electronics + A Sweet TV Giveaway

Learn how to invest when you still have debt

One day, as you could imagine, I was sitting behind my computer getting ready to make my last Debt payment EVER, which should have been exciting as hell…
Non Medical Life Insurance Guide: Why & How Does It Work Better?
Just like any other customer utility product or service, insurance sector too has come out with a quick turnaround and efficient versions. The insurance with no medical exam has become increasingly popular today. This is because more and more people are opting for it, realizing its importance and handy attributes…
Should You Save For Emergencies or a Down Payment First?

Should you save for your emergency fund first? Or should you save for your home and sock away emergency money after you buy?
If you’re in an area of the country where renting is more expensive than buying (most of the country, according to a recent Forbes article), you might want to jump into homeownership as soon as possible…
Net Worth Update: May 2013

Naughty Pets: My Cats Hump

So in honor of National Pet month, I bring to you, stories of our naughty furries…
Is it always about the price?

Good morning Dinks. I know that I always preach about buying everything at the lowest cost possible. This is mostly due to my turbulent and troubled financial past, it’s also because my new financial life preaches savings and a dollar not spent can be a dollar saved.
I love shopping around for deals; I will do my weekly shopping at three different stores if it means that I will get the best deal possible and buy my products at the lowest price…
How to Advance in Your New Career as a Gen Y Employee

Are You in the Habit of Wasting Money?

We recently received a bill for our annual post office box rental. We actually have a nice, secure mailbox at our house with a lock and key. All of our important mail comes there. We set up that post office box ten years ago when we were living in a temporary rental while building our house…
Net Worth Update: April 2013

I wish April had 33 days in it. Why? Because then this upcoming Friday would have been a part of the month and I could have claimed I finished off the month free of the car payment. But alas, there are only 30 days and so I have a single payment to pay off the remaining 1…
Grow Your Career to Achieve Financial Independence Faster: Part 1

3 Reasons to Review Every Bill: Another Cable Bill Fiasco

Have you ever heard the advice that you should review every bill you get? I follow the rule religiously and I’m glad I do. I estimate that reviewing all of my bills, rather than just automatically paying them without a review, has saved me at least $4,000 over the last year…