My Redbox Secret for Free Redbox Rentals Using Promo Codes

Looking for Redbox Free Movie Promo Codes? Scroll down to the end of this article for a list of current Redbox coupon codes.
We rarely make it to the movie theater because they’re so expensive. Granted, we do go to the $2 theater every once in a while but they don’t have a great selection most of the time…
Net Worth Update: June 2013
It’s that time again! Every month, I update the numbers for my net worth and cross my fingers that it went in the right direction.
Well, it did this month, but frankly, I don’t have a clue how. It certainly wasn’t from income. My paycheck on Friday was just $147. Ouch. But I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth…
General Electric (GE) Dividend Stock Analysis

In The Summer I Spend the Most Money on Vacations-$480 Giveaway

Summer is a cash sucker – $480 Giveaway

Swimming in Debt or Lifeguarding?

Who Knew Buying a Mattress Could be So Much Fun?
The following is a guest post from my lovely wife, Mrs. Frugal Rules. Let her know what you think about our mattress buying experience in the comments!
When you’re married to Mr. Frugal Rules, everything, including your bed, is considered along the continuum of “want” versus “necessity.” I had felt for awhile that it was time for us to consider buying a mattress but it took a coil unfurling and hitting my husband in the back for him to agree with me…
When you’re married to Mr. Frugal Rules, everything, including your bed, is considered along the continuum of “want” versus “necessity.” I had felt for awhile that it was time for us to consider buying a mattress but it took a coil unfurling and hitting my husband in the back for him to agree with me…
In The Summer I Spend the Most Money On My Hobbies + Cash Giveaway

The Beauty of (Almost) Going Tech-Free

The craziest part? No one seems to miss their technology.
***Full disclosure: Many faculty are using computers and iPads for a limited time each day…
The 6 Secrets for Paying Off Student Loans Faster
Paying off student loans is easy with standard repayment or using other repayment plan options. But easy doesn’t mean better, and choosing to pay them with just minimum payments means you’ll pay more interest while dealing with payments for a longer period.
On top of that, interest rates on some student loans set to double from 3…
On top of that, interest rates on some student loans set to double from 3…
Australia is a Banana Republic

In an incredibly ironic turn of events, Julia Gillard got axed as Prime Minister by the very man she back stabbed to gain the position in the first place only a few years ago…
What Should You Consider When Buying Individual Stocks?
The answer: a lot.
If you are moving any kind of serious money (e.g. more than $10,000) in the stock market on a single trade you’ll want to do some thorough due diligence.
At a minimum:
1. Do some field research: Go to the company’s headquarters or get on the phone and start asking some questions…
If you are moving any kind of serious money (e.g. more than $10,000) in the stock market on a single trade you’ll want to do some thorough due diligence.
At a minimum:
1. Do some field research: Go to the company’s headquarters or get on the phone and start asking some questions…
Save Money by Being Your Own Florist? Yes You Can!

That’s a loaded question, and quite honestly I think the answer is unique to each couple. But if I had to give one generality that I think could possibly apply to everyone, I would advise people to listen to their partner. I’m not referring to giving a nod and throwing in an agreeable statement every time there’s a pause in your partner’s voice…
How To Be Successful In Stock Market
These days the stock market is considered bullish. That means it’s on the upswing. It has come along way up. So if you had invested and stayed with it during or before the bear market, you should see now a gain in your portfolio. A bearish market, on the other hand, is characterized by falling …
Juicing Recipes (Plus Tips & Tricks)

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.A rainbow of juice- cucumbers, pomengranates, grapes, broccoli, and bok choy
Occasionally, I write about my love for juicing fruits and vegetables . Whenever I do, I get a huge response from people who want specific juicing recipes as well as tips and tricks…
Net Worth Update: July 2013 and Resolution Progress 2nd Quarter 2013