Going to graduate school can be expensive, especially when it comes to medical or law school. There is a reason why only a select few have gotten the position they have: either they were wealthy enough to afford graduate school or they got lucky. However, you can get lucky too, provided that you stumble upon and get accepted for a grant – that’s free money that you don’t have to pay back to a lender. Some of these grants might cover part of, or subsidize your tuition, and some of them might give you a full ride. Sure, getting a completely full ride would be a dream, but if you think about it, getting any part of your graduate school tuition covered would be a dream too, especially if it puts you on your path to achieving your career goals. Here are some places to look for grad school.
Your first step in looking for graduate school grants is to determine what field you are interested in. For instance, there are different grants for art, science, law, and medicine – not to mention countless other fields too. Once you know exactly what you want to study or what specialized field you would like to go into, it can be a lot easier to look for grants that can cover your full tuition or only a few semesters.
If you are interested in becoming a lawyer, you might want to look into community or non-profit based law, because there are many fellowship programs that offer full rides to law school for people who are interested in giving back to society in a meaningful way. A lot of these programs are funded by donors and sponsors of various initiatives who are looking to fill their ranks with qualified lawyers who can help them fight their fight. Before you apply for a grant with one of these programs, make sure that it is a worthwhile cause and that there are serious strings attached.
Next, whether you went to the University of Cincinnati or a community college, you can easily get into the medical school or nursing school of your dreams. There is currently a serious shortage of nurses and doctors. A lot of government programs are offering partial, 2-year scholarship funds to participants who might want to get into the government field of medicine or would like to work for the military. This can be a great way to get your foot in the door and it could lead you to a lifelong career.
Lastly, if it is science you are interested in, you are definitely in luck. Currently, there is research going on around the world in the fight against deadly diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and aids. Consequently, there are a number of programs offering full-ride scholarships to young people interested in entering the research field. If you want work on the front lines of fighting some of the world’s most deadly diseases, getting a grant from one of these programs is probably your best bet. Who knows, maybe you could be the one to cure a disease with an elusive cure.