Now you’re left wondering “how the heck am I going to spend $xxxx.xx in x months.”
You might not have even made it that far.
You may look at those upfront spending requirements (e.g. spend $5,000 in 3 months and receive 50,000 bonus points) and never apply, thinking you’d never spend that amount of money…
What to Look for When Comparing Medicare Part D Costs
– moneyning.com/

One of the timeless ways to save money is to comparison shop, and switching to a Medicare Part D plan that costs the least amount of money would be a great way to save. But yet, only about seven percent of seniors who enroll in Medicare Part D changes plans each year, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services…
Better Ways to Invest Your Tax Refund Money
– onecentatatime.com

Investing Tax refund
I know some people would spend it foolishly by taking a lavish vacation in the Caribbean or for a season golf membership…
Peer to Peer Lending Worked for Me!
– financialhighway.com/

I don’t typically write first person stories about my own financial situation. However, I had a really positive experience with social lending. Although a lot of people have used peer-to-peer lending for both borrowing loans and investing money, there are still many people out there who don’t know if social lending is right for them…
All you need to know about saving for retirement
– getrichslowly.org/blog
Money Quickies And Mall Smells For May 15,2013
– solvingthemoneypuzzle.com/

Average Tax Refunds
– freemoneyfinance.com
Income: $25k-50k; Average Refund: $2,774
Income: $50k-75k; Average Refund: $3,051
Income: $75k-100k; Average Refund: $3,657
Income: $100k-200k; Average Refund: $4,704
I’m wondering if these are too high or not. On one hand, it seems like a lot of money that’s “loaned” to the federal government each year…
$45 Million Stolen in Hours With Prepaid Cards
– moneytalksnews.com

Feeling “Cheap” or “Poor”
– thesimepledollar.com
They’ll serve a homemade meal that someone turns their nose up at because it’s not a prime cut. They’ll bring a thoughtful gift to a party only to find that everyone else paid out the nose for their shiny gifts…
A 15 Cent Banana and Thoughts on Regular People
– youngcheapliving.com
The Top 10 Cheapest Cities for New College Grads (& Everyone Else)
– 20somethingfinance.com/

Now, if you want cheap, you could move to the backwoods of northern Michigan, but:

Join our Tweetchat this Thursday at 12:00 pm Pacific for lively conversation and a chance to win prizes! Use #WBChat to participate.
This week’s topic: Having a frugal Memorial Day Weekend! Learn about taking advantage of sales, saving on travel, and throwing a frugal BBQ! Tell us about your Memorial Day Weekend plans and let us know your number one tip for keeping things frugal this Memorial Day!
For an easy way to keep track of the conversation, try using our special Tweetchat Chatroom…
How to Make Productive Use of your Free Time – Part Two
– youngadultmoney.com/

Welcome to part two of our two-part series on making productive use of your time. Today I will share some more ideas of how to make productive use of your “extra” time each day…
Competing With Yourself To Save On Utility Bills
– prairieEcothrifter.com

I view each month’s bill – whether it be from the water company, the electric utility, or the natural gas provider – as a way to gauge how well I am doing in my efforts to both conserve energy and save money…
Do you DIY or Pay for Help?
– canadianfinanceblog.com

It would be nice to add a third story to our house, or dig out the basement…
Box of Books Giveaway: Round II
– budgetsaresexy.com/

Okay, here we go – round two of giving away my finance books! Hopefully you or someone you know can use them 🙂 If not, pick the ones out you want and then donate/sell the rest!
And if you missed yesterday’s awesome shelf clearing, be sure to go back and check it out once you’re done entering this giveaway here today…
Here’s what’s in Box #2:
Your Money: The Missing Manual by J…
New Horizons for Seniors Program
– milliondollarjourney.com
As more people retire, there is a good chance that many of them would want to remain active and still contribute to society in some new form by utilizing their well-developed skill sets…
Thursday Poll: Housing
– punchdebtintheface.com