Don’t get caught up in investment analysis paralysis

After Mrs. Moneyseed and I got married (about three years ago), we started aggressively paying off our debts. We owed about $60,000 between student loans, car loans, etc. We carefully mapped out a debt repayment plan, and figured out, pretty accurately, the date that we’d be debt-free…
I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 05/31
Our spending the last two weekends have been all about celebrations. Two weekends ago our son got confirmed, so we hosted a celebration with family and friends at our home. Last weekend we hosted our 17th annual Memorial Weekend party. In June the focus will shift towards purchasing some things for the family…
Top Personal Finance Articles #16

Why all Vehicle Owners Must Opt for Car Insurance
For most car owners in general their vehicle is a source of pride and love. It is an asset and possession that one must take care of in order to keep it up and running in prime working condition. We make sure the engine works fine, the oil is filled, the tank is full of … Continue Reading »
Common Concerns for Life Insurance Newbies

Weekly roundup: Niagara Falls, $1 Fun and Disney

Good morning Dinks and happy Friday. Today we are writing to you with good news. Do you remember our Best Bequest giveaway last week? is a website that acts as a virtual legacy for all of your accounts and personal documents. If you want to get your financial life in order and make sure your last wishes are carried out you can register with BestBequest…
How to achieve your goals in only 4 steps – it’s easier than you think

Self-Care – Don’t Neglect Your Health While You Accumulate Your Wealth

Here’s What I’m Talking About:
“I don’t have time to go to the gym because I work too much…
What Not To Do: Leave Money On The Table

How To Be A Stellar Contact Lens Patient

Every once in a while I like to take off the personal finance cap and throw on the optometrist one. Actually, the two go hand in hand because taking care of your eyes can save money in a variety of ways. I’d like to share some tips on how to keep your eyes healthy by being a stellar contact lens patient…
VIP Club: Jury Duty and Link Love

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.What’s up, Club Thrifty enthusiasts?
It’s been another great week here at the crib. We haven’t had a lot of excitement this week and have mostly been catching up from the long weekend. The most exciting thing that happened is that I got called to jury duty for the one millionth time…
The Path to Fewer (and Better) Toys

Before I sound like Mrs. Scrooge right out of the starting gate, let me say that I fully believe in the magical power of toys…
I’m getting sick of this merry-go-round!
It’s happening again. Earlier this year, we were sued by a debt collector who was already getting regular payments but decided they wanted all of the money now. Meanwhile, the debt relief company we were using provided spectacularly bad customer service. Fortunately, there was only $150 left of that debt and we were able to go in and pay it off…
William Paid Review–How to Pay Rent with a Credit Card

Unless your landlord or rental management company uses Experian’s RentBureau system, your rent won’t automatically be reported as part of your credit file…
Weekly Recap – May 31st, 2013

I can’t believe tomorrow is already June! May went by so fast. It sure was nice having only a 4 day work week. Monday was a needed off-day for me. My wife and I were able to relax and the cabin was super fun. We even jumped in the lake when it was like 50 degrees. Needless to say it was incredibly cold, so we pretty much hopped right out…
Gardening Tips: Composting with Worms
I know composting with worms seems like the least appetizing way to think about gardens, but it really is worth thinking about. Not only do the worms help compost the food and garden scraps faster than regular composting, after they multiply you … Continue reading →The post Gardening Tips: Composting with Worms appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…
“2% or Skim?” and Other Inane Questions I Asked to Earn a Living

Frugal Friday: Can You Ride Your Motorcycle Into Retirement?
Happy Friday everyone! For those of you in the States we had the joy of a four day work week thanks to it being Memorial Day on Monday. We actually were able to take the day off which is not always the case for us, but it always feels so difficult to come back from a three day weekend. I’ll not be sharing an article today, but instead discussing an episode from one of the few shows I like to watch – American Pickers…
How I Got a $520 Southwest Ticket for Free

Free airline tickets? YES PLEASE! Want to know how I did it? It really isn’t that complicated at all. The only bummer about the whole situation is that the ticket isn’t for a flight for me. I got the ticket so my brother could fly out to my upcoming wedding which is pretty awesome if you ask me…