What Is the Difference Between Earned and Paid Traffic? + MORE

Make a Big Impact on Your Landing Page with a Small Budget Video
Filming yourself? Awkward, yet cheap. (Image source)
It seems like almost every respectable, tech-savvy company has a homepage video these days. And while it may be somewhat of a trend, it’s not without good reason. Adding a video to your landing page can produce big results. Like a 64% increase in conversions big…

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How to Sell More by Focusing On Less

– ducttapemarketing.com/blog/

How to Sell More by Focusing On LessToday’s guest post is from Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Sean D’Souza. – Enjoy!
Image Credit: Sean D’Souza
I remember flying to Pittsburgh in the year 2004.
It was a 7am presentation in front of about 40 people who I didn’t know. And who didn’t know me, either. And by the time the presentation was done at 7:45am, I asked the crowd a simple question…

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Device Size Matters: Responsive Web Design With Physical Units


This post should be titled “Getting Ahead of Yourself.” “…By a Few Years,” actually. Here’s the deal: at the time I’m writing this, early 2013, there’s no way to accurately design for the Web using physical units, nor will there be for a very long time. But there is a way to design while knowing the physical characteristics of the device — or, at least, there will be in the very near future…

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SES New York City Is Just Around the Corner!Are you going to be in New York City next week for SES?
If you are already attending great. It promises to be another information packed event that will provide Internet industry practitioners of all skill levels the chance to improve their craft, network with industry peers and spend a few days in arguably the greatest city in the world…

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AdWords Lessons From a Fiercely Competitive MarketIt’s actually pretty simple.
Ad copy and landing page.  That’s all a prospect will see of your AdWords campaign.
If you get the messaging on both right (and it jives with the keyword they typed into Google), there’s a good chance you’ll be successful with AdWords. If not, you’ll probably be helping Google’s bottom line more than your own…

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How To Create Visionary Measurement For Social MediaWe often use the word “visionary” to describe leaders or companies, but rarely in connection to metrics. If the typical communications strategy is dispersed via Powerpoint within a large organization, usually measurement is the last slide before the end.
We need to transform our relationship to measurement…

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Use Content Curation to Grow Your Company Beyond Being a Me-Me-Me BrandMost children are taught at an early age to share and that everything is NOT all about them. It can be a painful life lesson for some to grasp – especially if they don’t pick it up until later in life – but it’s an important one nonetheless.
This particular life lesson also applies to how brands approach content marketing…

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9 Guaranteed Ways to Make Industry Events Worth Your WhileIn 2012, one industry raked in $13 million in revenue.
Excuse me, I had a frog in my throat, what I meant to say was $13 billion. $13 billion in revenue. Know who I’m talking about? That’s right, the event and trade show industry is the one rollin’ in dough.
Now ask yourself … how much of that money came from attendees clutching a stack of business cards, floating around aimlessly looking for a sense of purpose and brochures to fill their swag bags?
Like, probably around one billion? Just ballparkin’ it…

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Will Social Media As We Know It Be Enough?

– socialmediaexplorer.com

I had the misfortune of being home sick last week and watched daytime T.V.  for the first time in years.  Barely able to change the channel, I watched a lot of commercials. What I noticed was a trend in focusing on personal service and hand-crafted products.
The Personal Touch Is More Important Than Ever
Commercials for the Discover Card had the message that when you call, a human being will answer the phone…

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To maximize website traffic, it is nearly essential for companies to use a combination of both paid and earned media.Related Articles
Understanding Your Web Traffic: Load Balancing FundamentalsThe Weekly Macho WrapTop 5 Web Conferencing Software Solutions

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A huge percentage TV watchers (as much as 80 percent) are now on a “second screen” during a program, though they may not necessarily be engaged in a “social conversation” about the show they are watching. They may be shopping, writing emails or reading news instead. However…..

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