Wow, what a first week, this is really exciting and I love waking up in the morning now to blog again!! A lot of great comments and plenty of feedback received via email. Thank you keep those suggestions coming. I really appreciate it.
So, what did I do this week read many, many blogs because once you start reading you can’t stop. Here are a few that I found particularly interesting this week in no particular order:
Check out Shaun over at Money Cactus and check out this well written article…it really gets you thinking about what really motivates you???
J Money over at Budgetsaresexy always keeps the content fresh. I found this article rather interesting this week, so much I commented on it.
KrantCents had a good article quite the opposite of my tax refund article. Check it out
The Broke Professionals have an appropriately named article “The Definition of Broke: What Does It Mean?
Good Reads in addition to my emergency reserve fund article. Check him out at Money Infant
Make sure to give these blogs some love and tell them Christopher sent ya! Happy reading and make sure to come back next week for another packed week of what’s hot in personal finance!!
Thanks for mentioning my emergency savings post Christopher and have a great weekend!
Thanks for the links, I really appreciate it.
Hey Christopher, thanks a lot for the mention. Some great bloggers there, pleased to be amongst them.
Saw your post on the Yakezie forum. Will add you to my RSS reader and stop by frequently.
Link Love is the best way to spread the great news of each other’s blog. I really enjoy reading each of yours. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Christopher!