Week 5 Recap: A Month in and I am here to stay for the long haul!

Well here it is the Five For Friday.  Another week has come and gone and we continue to pump out the articles.  It has had its share of ups and downs over there past month and a half, from late nights to early mornings.  A lot of great comments and plenty of feedback received via email.  Thank you and keep those suggestions coming.  I really appreciate it.  Here is what I have been reading this past week that has really kept my interest and even provoked some commenting. 

Homeownership may not be for everyone but here are some lessons learned.  Take a look at what Robert at My Multiple Incomes has to say.  I just found this blog this week and it is great a must read!

A great blog that looks like it started close to when I started this ole boy is Broke Elizabeth.  She talks about how great it is to lose weight, but there is a cost associated with losing weight. Now you can be faced with a personal finance dilemma of having to go out and get a new wardrobe.  Could definitely be a budget buster!   

Cash Flow Mantra discusses his strategy of using Covered Calls as a defensive strategy to declining stock prices. 

Not really on the topic of finance but we can spin it into finance because ads generate revenue.  Take a look at this little rant.  Some of us go to sites for the content. Turning it into a big advertisement is going to dissuade us from visiting. Take a look at this blogging rant over at Balancing Money and Life.

Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and spend some money.  Here at Budgeting in the fun stuff they spent a grand in 24 hours.  At least there was a tax deduction! 

Be safe this weekend and I will see you bright and early Monday morning.  Or you may find me trolling your site!

8 thoughts on “Week 5 Recap: A Month in and I am here to stay for the long haul!

  1. These look like some really interesting sites that I should take some time to visit. Thanks for this Five For Friday.

    1. They sure are. Make sure to give them some love. The sites will get you hooked!!

  2. Good recap Christopher. Glad to hear that after a month of blogging you’re hooked and ready to commit long term. It does take a lot of time and effort to build up a blog. As long as you are willing to put in the work, I’m sure your blog will keep growing.

    1. Well said. Hopefully it does continue to grow. Even if it doesn’t grow to some of the other powerhouses in the PF arena. I am happy just getting my thoughts out.

    1. Thanks for such a great site. It is very informative for a newbie blogger.

  3. Thank you so much for the mention. I appreciate it.

    1. @ Cash Flow – I enjoy a good technical finance related article to start my day!

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