Ways to Have Fun Without Dipping Into Savings
– savvyfinanciallatina.com/#&panel1-
Check out my staff post on Dimespring. It’s titled Ways to Have Fun Without Dipping Into Savings.
It seems like bills never end. I finish paying off the electricity bill, only to have the Internet bill show up. I know lots of families struggle to make ends meet. My husband and I jokingly say that at this point in our lives, we work to survive…
It seems like bills never end. I finish paying off the electricity bill, only to have the Internet bill show up. I know lots of families struggle to make ends meet. My husband and I jokingly say that at this point in our lives, we work to survive…
Can You Save and Pay Off Debt?
– debtroundup.com

Saving for a rainy day is all very well, but when there is debt to deal with, is it wise to keep saving?
Choosing the best move
If you have a mortgage to pay off or a credit card that needs attention, the best thing to do is concentrate on that…
Gold Binary Options
– monsterpiggybank.com

More Minimalist Confessions – Wedding Edition
– makingsenseofcents.com

I haven’t been a very good minimalist lately.
It’s not that I don’t want to be, my desire to live a minimalist life is as strong or stronger than it’s ever been before.
The problem is, I don’t have time to be as minimalistic as I’d like…
What Are Seasoned Funds for Your Down Payment?
– doughroller.net

Photo: darrenleno
With companies such as SMR Research predicting a quick rise in mortgage rates over the next couple of years, many first-time homebuyers are looking to snap up a home now. If you’re one of them, you may be struggling to figure out how to gather up a down payment so that you can buy a home before the rates start climbing back up…
How Much Things Cost According to a 6 Year Old
– frugalrules.com

Bonus Post: Striding The World Like A Magnificent Bastard
– myfijourney.com
One thing that I strive for in life is to become a magnificent bastard. Given that I was born in wedlock and that I am far from magnificent, this is a very audacious goal. But today gave me two opportunities to practice.
First, you probably noticed that the market took a nose dive. The Dow fell 353 points…
Credit Card Has Changed the Way One Shops
– doablefinance.com
Credit cards are one of the most common things in the world today. It is a card which is used by a person to pay for goods or services. They can be used instead of direct cash payment. There are many organizations which offer credit card services. They are one of the most useful things … Continue Reading »
Do you believe in couples therapy?
– dinksfinance.com

Good morning Dinks. Let me ask you a question, have you ever been to couples therapy? You don’t have to answer out loud but I am just wondering how hard Dinks work on their marriage. I keep reading about couples who take a vacation as a way to save their marriage and I am just wondering what kind of problem can be solved by a vacation…
I Quit School
– Financialblacksheep.com
I quit school, yes it is correct. I decided I needed to cut myself some slack. I have been keeping myself extra busy since the move, so I didn’t have to deal with anything. I wanted to just keep moving … Continue reading →The post I Quit School appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…
What the “Red Wedding” Can Teach Us About Money
– clubthrifty.com

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert!
There. I warned you. Don’t say I didn’t. But, just in case you don’t get it, let me break it down for you. If you ever plan on reading or watching the Game of Thrones series – heck, even if you think you might ever plan on getting involved with it – stop reading this post now…
Photo Thursday: A Day on the Ice
– commoncentswealth.com