Young Adults and Poker: What is so appealing about the game?

I’ve played over a hundred thousand hands of poker in my life. I’ve spent hours and hours playing online poker, grinding out the tables at local casinos, and reading/studying the game. Despite the time I put into the game, there are literally hundreds of thousands – if not millions – who have put in far more time and effort into poker…
Dealing With Fear And Greed To Become A Better Investor

European Stock Market; Its History, Progress and Performance.
– free money wisdom

Calvin, May 2013 Net Worth

Truly Help Your Family and Friends by Having and Giving Time

My sister needed my help this week and I rose to the challenge of heading up to her place and helping her in a way that many people can’t, with my time…
Teaching the Value of a Dollar
I had a great conversation the other day with a friend who is still struggling with the student loans he took on at the turn of the millennium. He’s been knocking on those loans for twelve years and still has several years to go.
One thing my friend said that really stuck with me was this.
“When I was in college, I didn’t really get the value of a dollar at all…
One thing my friend said that really stuck with me was this.
“When I was in college, I didn’t really get the value of a dollar at all…
Reader Profile Update: Crystal
Here’s our latest Reader Profile Update. Many of you asked for this type of post — a progress report on where past Reader Profile readers are these days financially. I think you’ll really enjoy this. (BTW, if you do enjoy it, you can submit your own update, hint, hint.) :)Today’s post is from Crystal, who claims she did a reader profile some years ago (though neither of us can find it)…
Wally App Review, Personal Finance App

Study: Minds Focused on Money Are Less Ethical