Top Personal Finance Articles #17

We are starting to buy clothes for Nick lately as he has started to out grow all of the clothes that people gave us for him when he was born. It is crazy to think that he is closing in on 5 months old. I swear it feels like we just took him home from the hospital…
Keep Driving An Old Car or Buy A New One

While an old car may seem to save on monthly expenses since there is no car note and often no collision, comprehensive, or gap insurance coverage premiums, the cost of repairing a car with little monetary value may be greater than the cost to replace the vehicle…
Giveaway: Colorado Rockies Tickets
The Ultimate Capital One 360 Bank Review – I Love This Bank!
I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 6/07
Priceless Skills I Learned at The Job I Hated

OK truth be told I didn’t hate the job, I just hated the hours.
When I finished graduate school in 2009 the job market wasn’t very good. So when I was offered a 3-11pm shift at a social service agency, that is world acclaimed as a leader in the supportive housing movement, I immediately accepted the offer…
Weekly roundup: Birthdays, Gifts and Good Times

Happy Friday Dinks. This weekend marks the start of a very busy season for me, actually what I should say is that it marks the start of a very expensive season for me. It all started a few weeks ago with Mother’s Day, but it gets really busy this weekend. Within the next month I have my mother’s birthday, my sister’s birthday, Father’s Day and then my Dad’s birthday…
Features of the Binary Options Trading Platforms
Pay Off Debt App and Giveaway

Paying off debt faster is a big goal for many couple, not just in terms of the financial amount it can costs, but also the emotional baggage of having debt hanging over you. The good news is that having a plan of an attack significantly increases your chances of success and increases how quickly you can get rid of it…
It’s 1000th Post Time! That Means GIVEAWAY Time, Too!
Weekly Recap – June 7th, 2013

Funny story (or not really, but who cares), when I first wrote the title to this post I put it as April 7th instead of June. With the weather we’ve had this week it certainly feels like April so that’s my excuse. Another week has passed and we’re still waiting for the weather to get nicer here in Minnesota…
Strategery: How I Save Time and Money Working from Home

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.These are NOT my legs….but I do sit like this sometimes.
I know, I know. You’re tired of hearing about it.
Although you may not be particularly interested in how much I like working from home, a girl has got to share, right? After all, that’s why I have this little blog in the first place…
A Sad View Into Making Ends Meet

I was out at the grocery store this week to get our regular weekly perishables, and it was just another normal shopping trip. Comparing prices, checking fruits, and finding sales is my usual routine when in the grocery store…
Frugal Friday: How Much Would You Pay for a Cronut?
Portfolio Status: June 2013

Under the portfolio tab above is where I am keeping a more or less current list of my positions. The below is where my portfolio stands as of June 1, 2013. Also, check out the dividends and options pages where I am tracking each of those…
A Guide to Collecting for Fun and Profit
WTF Wall Street Word: “Buy Your Age In Bonds.” Here’s Why That Makes No Sense.
What does “buy your age in bonds” mean?
If you’re 30-years-old, this would mean that you’d have 30 percent of your investable money in bonds.
Why have most Wall Streeters used this term?
Because it has worked as a good investment strategy over the last 30 years…
An Unexpected Opportunity, What Should I Do?

Is a College Education Worth the Money?

A question that gets trotted out every so often by personal finance bloggers, pundits, and Millenials is both simple and complex. Is a college education still worth its cost? People on both sides of the issue can get pretty heated about it and despite several debates on the topic, I still haven’t made up my mind…
Rising Importance of Internships for Today’s Grads + A Giveaway