Negotiating for perks when raises are off the table
This guest post is from David Lye. David is an expert on novated leasing, which is a “company car” type perk that many Australian companies offer their employees. In today’s uncertain economy, many employers are reluctant to offer raises to their employees. You may be lucky enough to keep your job, but chances are that you may not get a raise, or if you do, it could be a very small raise…
Overview of CPP Disability Benefits

Repair, Don’t Replace

Many of us throw the broken or outdated item out. Few try to repair or get it repaired. I’m guilty as well. I used to darn my family’s socks, but now don’t…
Open a Roth IRA and Buy a House? Um, No Thanks.

Stay At Home Dad’s Bodyweight Playground Workout

7 Money Habits That Can Make or Break You

Why do you keep buying things you can’t afford? It makes no sense: it’s not rational. Nobody wants to be in debt.
The answer is simple: debt problems are emotional, not rational.
Debt results from unconscious habits and attitudes that cause you to spend more than you can afford…
Today’s Deals: Barbie, Tax Prep, and Kindle Fire

45 Things I Spend Money On (And 32 I Don’t)

If you ever thought I was frugal, this will change your mind 😉 I do like saving money where I can, but I also like saving sanity and *time* just as much. As evidence of this first list below…
This all came about after reading two articles:
The first on Blonde and Balanced where Em wrote about 45 things she does NOT spend money on (I was curious to see how many I DO spend on :))
And the second from Julia at Bargain Babe where she, too, listed a bunch of things she doesn’t spend on…
The Reason
A few hours ago, my wife and I were sitting out in the yard watching our three children playing together.
I looked around me and saw all that I have.
I have a wonderful, intelligent, and witty wife who chose, for some reason beyond my comprehension, to marry me.
I have three curious, passionate, and funny children who fill every day of my life with laughter and surprise…
I looked around me and saw all that I have.
I have a wonderful, intelligent, and witty wife who chose, for some reason beyond my comprehension, to marry me.
I have three curious, passionate, and funny children who fill every day of my life with laughter and surprise…
The Real World

I never want to be called an optimist. Optimistic people have a tendency to be frustratingly stupid, thinking the best is coming, when all signs say otherwise. I get the idea of hoping for the best, but I’ll never understand planning on the best.
I like to consider myself a realist. I make an intentional effort to think with my head and not my heart…
The Disappearing Income Class
Upper class. Middle class. Lower Class. Poor. Terms that have been used for decades to describe which income class you fit in to.
One of those classes is quickly disappearing. The middle class that I grew up in, the middle class lifestyle that I aspire to live is disappearing. My gross is just under $50,000 per year and that leaves me at either the bottom of the middle class or the top of the lower class…
One of those classes is quickly disappearing. The middle class that I grew up in, the middle class lifestyle that I aspire to live is disappearing. My gross is just under $50,000 per year and that leaves me at either the bottom of the middle class or the top of the lower class…
Reader Profile: NY
The following is the latest post in my “Reader Profiles” series. Each post in this series details the financial situation and challenges of an FMF reader. The purpose of this series is to help us all identify with people like us (in similar situations — not all will be, of course, but eventually I’m sure you will find someone like you here), get to know the frequent commenters on the site, and hear some financial wisdom/challenges from people other than me…