The Story Of The Wrecked Wholesale Deal

One of the students that I am working with texted me about a potential deal this last week.
“They want $24k.” That was all I needed to hear. Well, that and the address which showed that it was in a decent part of town and not a war zone.
The next text mentioned how they came up with the $24k figure…
Superman’s Fortress of Solitude for Sale, Super Mortgage Needed

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Source: WikipediaThis week, Superman makes his way back to the big screen in Zack Snyder’s “Man of Steel”, a much needed reboot of the Superman story for the big screen. If you’re a frequent reader of the Movoto blog, you’ll know we were champing at the bit to find a way to tie the film into real estate…
What Comes With the World's Most Expensive Mobile Home?

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Massachusetts Foreclosure Filings Drop
Here is an interesting article about the significant drop in the number of MA foreclosures…
Potential Strategies for

But what possible strategic product/business approaches could take?
What is not the winning strategy?
Winning with a “cool” factor.
Pounding on the “data freshness” (updates every 15 minutes) angle…