You have to spend $5,000 by the end of today.

It’s Friday mother lovers
, which means you all have likely checked out mentally in anticipation of the upcoming weekend. So today I propose a simple question…
If you had be selfish and spend $5,000 by the end of today, what would you buy?
See what I did there? I said you had to be selfish with it…
Elimination of the Payroll Tax Cut Reduced Consumer Spending

How America’s Largest Retailers Know More About Your Family Than You Do
“My daughter is only 16,” the man said…
The Virtual Currency World Of Investing With Olim Dives
Financial advice for my former self
Target Investment Mix at Age 50
Anyway, CNN Money ran a series on “Best Moves if You’re _____ Years Old.” This one is the piece for those 45 to 54 years old and contains a target investment mix at age 50 as follows:
39% U.S. Stocks
40% Bonds
21% Foreign Stocks
I get the U…
My Very Cheap Day

Lip Service
“Oh, I should be spending less money,” says someone waiting in line for a large coffee and a breakfast pastry at a local coffee shop…
How to Use Social Media in Your Job Search

Here’s how to use social media to find a job:
The most important social media to use in your job search is LinkedIn, since recruiters often search the site for potential candidates and job searching is it’s primary role…
Friday Links – Long Weekend Edition

Stop Overpaying And Underinsuring
It’s easy to see how the situation developed. Most successful people didn’t start that way. In their young-adult years, they did the responsible thing and bought the insurance they needed…
IRS Targeted “Folks Waving Tea Bags Around”

2 Investing Concepts Everyone Should Know

Investing is arguably the most complicated and intimidating topic within personal finance. Understanding (and making use of) two key investing concepts will go a long way toward demystifying the process while dialing down the fear factor. Let’s get started! (See also: The 10-Step Staircase to a Comfortable Retirement)
Compound Interest
At first glance, this one seems like no big deal…
Buy and Sell Gift Cards and Save Money in the Process – Gift Card Rescue

How a Few Minutes on the Phone Can Save $500 on Your Cable Bill

The Return Of The Bond Vigilante… In Japan

[Editor’s Note: The following post is by TDV Editor-in-Chief, Jeff Berwick]
On April 11, The Dollar Vigilante went public stating that shorting Japanese government bonds (JGBs) was an effective means of “profiting from The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It” (TEOTMSAWKI)…
How Sadness Leads to Deepening Debt
The reason, according to Jennifer Lerner of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and colleagues Ye Li and Elke Weber of Columbia University who published their study in the Psychological Science journal last year, is that sad people exhibit what’s known as “present bias,” meaning they tend to value the present over the future, choosing immediate gratification and ignoring the greater gains associated with waiting…
Side Hustle Series: I’m a Human Guinea Pig

(Guest Post by Emily as part of our Side Hustle Series)
I didn’t have much of a choice about becoming a guinea pig for medical research, but maybe that was the intention of my employer? The research institute I worked at created a ready supply of healthy volunteers for its ongoing clinical trials and studies by paying us trainees less than the living wage in one of the more expensive counties in the US…
How Much Does It Cost to Raise a Child?

Looking online, I found a lot of simple answers. Some estimates even put the cost at as much as $300,000 over the course of raising them from birth to 18 years old…
Is “The College Experience” Worth the Price? It’s Debate Time…

In walks the TA (teacher’s aide). And it’s his first lecture. A new TA for a 300-person lecture? This is odd, I thought. Turns out he’s leading the course…
4 Tips to Help You Vacation for Less

During a recent trip, I had the pleasure of talking with a retired couple who are spending their golden years touring the world. Italy, China, Mexico, Hawaii — they’ve seen it all, and some places more than once. While I didn’t want to ask personal questions about how they could afford such luxurious trips, I was amazed that this seemingly-average couple was able to achieve travel goals that most can only dream of…