The Law of Cause and Effect

Having covered a few exercises and some key principles, we’re now going to move on to the law of cause and effect aka causality.
One of my favourite characters from the film The Matrix is a gentleman called The Merovingian. The Merovingian says a few things in The Matrix that are really quite profound, one of which is:
“You see, there is only one constant, one universal…
Clarity Goes Beyond Just Knowing What You Want

What do you really want from your life? Most of us probably feel fairly confident that we know what we want. Chances are, you could probably come up with a comprehensive list on the spot, right?
If that’s true, then what’s the point in asking what we really want from life? In a word, the point is CLARITY…
Google Reader Alternatives, Windows 8.1, and Lots of Gaming
This week on the podcast we’re talking about all the new stuff in Windows 8.1, the imminent death of Google Reader, and gaming consoles from the past and future. We’re also answer your questions about home servers, wirelessly mirroring your computer screen, and syncing your music with Android.Read more…
Think and Grow “Itch”

If you haven’t read the many great books by Napoleon Hill, then you have missed an amazing opportunity. His prolific thought leadership up until his death in 1970 has meant the difference between success and failure for countless people around the globe. Even though he died over forty years ago the thoughts he expressed are still relevant and having amazing impact on people…
Why You Must Walk Through A Firestorm Of Pain To Discover Yourself

Several years back, I went through a spiritual, emotional and physical crisis of a proportion I had never experienced.
There were moments during that time, many of them, when I thought I might not make it through. So severe was the pain and suffering.
Events and… Continue Reading…
The Path To Success: How To Get Motivated By Your Past And Future Self

The 7 Habits Happy People DON’T Have

Your life is good. Just look at the “world news” section of any news site and you’ll know its true.
And yet, there is this undercurrent of discontent, unhappiness and sadness that underscores your life as you go about your day.
How is it that people in much nastier circumstances than you seem to be so much happier? Are you cursed, or are they onto some kind of a secret that you aren’t privy to?
Well, it turns out to be something far more basic than that…
5 Great Places to Meet New People

You’re unique and want to meet other unique individuals that share similar interests, right? But when you’re over the bar scene and ready to step out a little beyond your comfort zone, where should you go? What are some great places to meet new people, you might ask? If it’s a new romantic relationship that you are in search of or just a new friend to shop with every once in a while, we have compiled some obvious and not so obvious ways to get you connected…