How A “Dancing With The Stars” Producer Is Empowering Women

I don’t generally get emails from TV producers, so I paid attention — and I’m so glad I did. Sarah has some impressive credentials under her belt… Continue Reading…
3 Effortless Ways to Get More Done

Do you ever wonder how on some days you seem to get so much accomplished, while on others, you barely get a few things checked off your to-do list?
I recently noticed how on Saturday’s, I get so much done. I’m like a blur… everything from cleaning the house, running errands, grocery shopping, getting some reading and writing in, a little shopping at the mall, and a nice dinner with my hubby…
10 quotes about success

The post 10 quotes about success appeared first on Motivational quotes and posters.
4 Tips that will Help You to Develop Your Patience

I used to think that in order to achieve any goal, it is necessary to set it, and then just use the opportunities you have. As I realized later, this mindset was completely wrong. When it came to the difficulties there appeared unwillingness to work towards that goal, I gave up and then started something new…
Key To Success: Go After Your Dreams With A Vengeance

One of the “secrets to success” that has always failed when it comes to achieving any goals in life is that one must have a backup plan. This is so mainly because having a backup plan simply means that you are not really committed to your main plan. Having options so far as your dreams are concerned is therefore the easiest way not to achieve them simply because these “options” will make it impossible for you to have the momentum necessary to achieve your goals and your dreams…
Four Features We Want to See in Android (and How to Get Them)

The Five Words That Changed My Life

Photo by Chiara Cremaschi
By David Loker
Even the largest avalanche is triggered by small things.” ~Vernor Vinge
I thought that it was never going to end.
Wake up. Brush my teeth. Drive to work. Sit at my desk for eight hours. Count the hours from the moment I sit down: Eight, seven, six… Drive home…