How Dyson’s Winning Strategy Depends On Who They DON’T Hire
Replacing a wheel in a traditional wheelbarrow with a ball hardly qualifies as a groundbreaking technological innovation. But it does solve a problem. Great inventions usually do. And when James Dyson first created and produced his Ballbarrow, it was a hit with gardeners seeking an alternative that wouldn’t leave wheel shaped trenches in their garden…
Responsive Layouts: How To Maintain Hierarchy Through Content Choreography
One of the issues we need to be concerned with in responsive design is how to maintain hierarchy as elements on the screen are resized and reflowed. Trent Walton first called attention to the issue with his post “Content Choreography,” which showed how visual hierarchy gets lost when columns are dropped below one another…
Talk is cheap
If it does, I have a question for you: How closely does that slogan reflect the reality of your business?
Words are easy
For example, the businesses in every niche claim to offer outstanding customer service, yet this is factually incorrect. If they really DID offer outstanding customer service, the fact they ALL offered it, means it would not stand out…
5 Big Brand PPC Ads with Critiques: What We Like, What We’d Change
[How To] Use PPC Landing Pages for Higher Conversions – Infographic
Ever wondered why your paid search campaigns don’t convert? Ever wondered why your cost-per-click is super expensive? Ever wondered why your ads never show up in a decent spot?
Using high performance landing pages for your PPC ad campaigns results in higher conversion rates and a lower cost-per-click…
Selling to Cyborgs: Marketing in the Age of Google Glass
Presence Dots and Profile Push: Facebook is Testing. . . Testing. . 1, 2, 3
This week it’s the “presence dot” and the profile push.
First, an eagle-eyed reporter at CNET discovered tiny green dots in their newsfeed…
Infographic: Elements of a Perfect Facebook Contest App
Benchmark 5: Andy's Social Success Stories
Introducing Social Success Stories & iPad Mini GiveawayPlaylist: Favorite Bands & Artists on TwitterHow I Used Twitter to Find Friends, Free Stuff, a Job and a Girlfriend
Are You Ever “Finished” with Inbound Marketing?
photo credit: Folk Media via photopin cc
Inbound marketing is both an art and a science. The technology, metrics, measurements, testing, and goals are the science part of it while the creative campaigns and intuitive ideas are a critical part of the art of inbound marketing…
AdSense Gets New 970×90 ‘Super Leaderboard’ Ad Units
Please visit Marketing Land for the full article…
ReviewInc: Monitor, Collect and Share Online Reviews
5 Common Objections Your Sales Page Must Overcome to Make the Sale
Driving sales, of course.
And what’s the number one reason we struggle to do it? Because our prospects are masters of resistance.
That being the case, the most critical task of your sales copy is overcoming objections.
So let’s look at ways you can overcome the most common objections that keep customers from rushing to Buy Now! We’ll use a sales page by copywriting master Daniel Levis to glean some valuable tips…
Big Data and Marketing: Big Problem or Big Opportunity?
Brands Gone Wild: Social Media Marketing Fails & Lessons Learned
Let’s keep in mind your business objectives, shall we? As these social marketing fails will show, campaigns may take off but go seriously sideways if companies place popularity above purpose.
Some companies can afford more risk and racier campaigns than others, yet risk in business must always be mitigated and justifiable based on the potential rewards…