Three Reasons to Consider Investing in Silver – free money wisdom Lately, in an effort to balance out my finances, I have been converting some of my savings into silver by investing in American Silver Eagle and other silver coins. I did so for a number of reasons. One was because I had friends who had invested in either gold or silver who suggested I do so to as a simple way to invest… Continue Reading On free money wisdom » Capital One 360 Checking Review – Today I’m going to give you my Capital One 360 Checking review....
Being Frugal Without Giving Up Your Social Life – Whenever I write a frugality post, I get comments asking some version of, “That’s fine if you’re happy being a hermit in your cheap apartment, but what about people who have friends?” (See also: Not Driving Your Less Frugal Friends Crazy) I think there are three general strategies for dealing with the issues around having a social life while still being frugal… Continue Reading On » The Average Net Worth For The Above Average Married Couple – One of the most popular posts on Financial Samurai with over...
Cheap Health Insurance Options For The Unemployed, Self-Employed, Or Early Retiree – Restless in Warnemunde, 2012. Whether you are unemployed by choice or due to unfortunate circumstance, having health insurance is a must. According to The American Journal Of Medicine, 62% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were health related and that’s before the economic meltdown. What’s more frightening is that back in 2001, health related bankruptcies were “only” 45% of total… Continue Reading On » Learning About Investing With the Stock Market Game – In my mind, no child is too young to learn about the basic concepts...
Signs You May Be A Shopaholic And 6 Things You Can Do To Change It – We’ve all made purchases on impulse, whether it be that candy bar at the checkout line in the grocery store or that pair of shoes that you come across that would go perfectly with your new tailored suit or the dress you bought last week. Impulse buying is a major weakness for many, and has its own problems… Continue Reading On » Biggest Challenges to Retirement, Part 1 – The following is an excerpt from READY FOR PRETIREMENT: 3 Secrets for...
February 2013 Goals and Finance Update – February Highlights and Lowlights 2013 Financial Goals: No progress in February. It’s a bit disappointing because we did so well in January by maxing out the IRA and setting up Mrs. RB40′s 401(k). 2013 Personal Goals: I tried several new beers in Feb. and met up with local bloggers for a drink… Continue Reading On » White House Supports Unlockable Cell Phones – It recently became illegal to unlock your smartphone for use on another network without the current network’s permission. We covered it here.A petition to the White House...
Can You Have It All? 4 Tips for Doing More With Your Time – I recently started a demanding job as a first year associate at a large law firm. During law school, I attended numerous presentations focused on women in the law, and the issue of time and work-life balance always came up. Soon-to-be women attorneys wanted to know how to have it all… Continue Reading On » 12 Ways to be a Financial Extremist in 2013 – Welcome to The Debt Movement! You have become a financial soldier in the war on debt, and in...