Ask the Readers: What will make you feel financially secure? – If you’re a regular reader of Get Rich Slowly, you are focused on getting out of debt, saving, retirement goals – all of those money issues we all deal with. But at what point would you or do you feel financially secure? I think my own sense of financial security came once I had paid off all of my debts (excluding my mortgage) and had enough money to save a chunk each month… Weekly Review – ING $50, Top 4 April & More – We have made...
Money Quickies For Wedneday May 8, 2013 – This is truly a quickie today as I have to get ready for work in 44 minutes. I have been up for hours but my allergies are making me crazy and it took 2 hours of news watching and tea guzzling to clear the fog from my brain. Puffs facial tissues with lotion are 1 of the best inventions in the history of the world (the self cleaning oven is the best invention)… Continue Reading On » Mutual of Omaha Bank Review – A Full Suite of Online Banking Options...
Reader Profile: TW – The following is the latest post in my “Reader Profiles” series. Each post in this series details the financial situation and challenges of an FMF reader. The purpose of this series is to help us all identify with people like us (in similar situations — not all will be, of course, but eventually I’m sure you will find someone like you here), get to know the frequent commenters on the site, and hear some financial wisdom/challenges from people other than me… Continue Reading On » And we’re off! Time to get our house rented...
Applying Warren Buffett’s 7% Figure to Your Retirement – A few weeks ago, I discussed a Bloomberg article about Warren Buffett’s projections for the stock market over the long term. Here’s a refresher on what Buffett said: “The economy, as measured by gross domestic product, can be expected to grow at an annual rate of about 3 percent over the long term, and inflation of 2 percent would push nominal GDP growth to 5 percent, Buffett said… Continue Reading On » Make Time To Think Differently – The stock markets surged to new highs on May 3,...
The Debt Movement is Over. Or is it? – The 90 days has come to end and the Debt Movement is over. Or is it? I had a VERY ambitious goal to help people pay off $10 million of debt in 90 days. I really believed we could pull it off. I never doubted it for a second. But we missed our goal. I could be upset that we came up short. I could make myself believe that I failed… Continue Reading On » Your budget isn’t working. Here’s why. – This post is from staff writer...
The Ideal Amount Of Home Insurance To Protect Your Property – Every year I review my home insurance policy to make sure I’ve got the proper coverage. The reason why it’s important to check is because insurance policies change all the time. There might be discounts or special offerings for one. Meanwhile, your insurance company might slip in some extra charges without you even knowing… Continue Reading On » How To Save Money Fast – Do you have a big event, travel, a must have or emergency type situation? Here we listed some quick fixes that will...
Finding The Motivation To Stay In Shape: A Conversation With Big Wave Surfer Laird Hamilton – It’s hard to stay in shape as we get older. We move around less, our family demands more of our time, and our jobs stress us out to the point where we eat too much comfort food. I’m about 10 pounds heavier that I was during college. I always tell myself it’s due to more muscle, but I know it’s a lie because I hardly ever lift weights anymore… Continue Reading On » Five Free Tools I Use to Organize My Life...
Bonding Through Camping – Enjoying Life at Little Cost – There is nothing quite as bonding in my mind than a camping trip, especially when you are not a camping family. Those of you that were raised to camp, those that know all the right ways to do things and all the right things to pack may not know what I am talking about. But I am sure that there are those of you that were not raised up camping that have tried your hand at it like we have that know firsthand what I mean… Continue Reading On...
$80 Tablet Good for Entry-Level Use – Ematic’s Genesis Prime makes trying out a tablet more affordable, and reviews suggest it’s better than most competing devices near that price.Here’s what you get: It has a 1.1GHz processor, which a New York Times review says “would have been top of the line a couple of years ago.” Users may see some slowdown when using it for streaming video, it adds… Continue Reading On » How Online Shopping Helped Folks Save Money – The connectivity of the Internet brought many tools to help manage budgets and finances, but the information...
Sharing with the Poor – For those of you new to Free Money Finance, I post on The Bible and Money every Sunday. Here’s why. Today I’m posting Proverbs 22:9, a great verse about sharing with the poor. From the NIV: The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. Another phrasing from the Contemporary English Version: The Lord blesses everyone who freely gives food to the poor… Continue Reading On » Reader stories: The importance of number crunching – This post is from Corinne Hoener. Corinne is a long-time GRS reader...
Friday Giveaway Roundup – 147 Giveaways – Welcome to the weekly Friday giveaway roundup! Every single Friday we post giveaways ending within the next week. If you want to make sure you never miss one of these posts be sure to subscribe via RSS or Email. Happy Friday everyone! Not too much to share today. I’ve had a lot going on with our sewer repair, but more on that in a couple posts next week… Continue Reading On » 10 Money-Saving Tips For Your Wedding – This is the moment you have been anticipating. You got engaged...
The Simple Dollar Weekly Roundup: Boston Edition – My thoughts and condolences go out to the people of Boston this week, who are facing the type of situation that every city dreads. My wife and I had already chosen Boston as our place to visit for our tenth anniversary, and we’re more adamant about those plans than ever. The small amount we can contribute to the local economy in Boston won’t mean much, but it will surely help… Continue Reading On » 3 Lessons the Social Gaming Model Can Offer Small Business Owners – While the global...