Agencies like bank, financial institute are offering their clients to opt for another credit card even if they already have, to generate more business by them. Customers are also trying to get as many cards so that they will be able to have more credit limit. But the question is having a lot of card is good option for the customers or will it create future problems to their users. Let’s figure it out by discussing the pros and cons of having many cards. Pros: If a customer has many cards then it is very obvious he’ll have good credit...
Recession which came last year affected many people all over the globe. Especially in United States many people lost their job, home, credit score and many things just because of this financial crisis. Many Americans met with depression too, just because of this small term. Now as the market is recovering from the recession, it is a good time to analyze the causes of the financial crisis and to get the ways through which we can recover from it. Analyze yourself: The very first thing, which we require from recovering from the financial crisis, is to analyze ourselves. Check the...
These days, one of the most popular topics in the personal finance industry is credit cards. They seem to be the center of discussion on blogs, financial T.V. shows and even in newspapers! This should come as no surprise knowing the the vast majority of consumers in the United States use credit cards and use them option. As this financial option has evolved, more and more different types of credit cards have become available to consumers. Today, we are going to go over the top 3 most popular types of credit cards, who they are designed for and, what has...
The amount we Brits spend on our credit cards is increasing. That’s according to new statistics released by the British Banking Association, who have revealed that £7.1 billion was spent on our cards during the month of October in this country – that’s an increase of over 5 per cent compared to the same month in the previous year. Better At Handling Our Credit Cards? The good news is that we’re getting much better at handling our plastic than ever before too – to go with increased use by British people, the amount of debt has gone down. Even though...