National Financial Literacy Month: What it means to you!

What a great success the Roth IRA Movement was.  In a few days we are going to enter National Financial Literacy Month, what a great month to celebrate it, ohhhh the coincidence it also happens to be my birthday in April too!  National Financial Literacy Month came about in 2004 when the Senate passed Resolution 316 which officially recognized April as my birthday National Financial Literacy Month.  Originally started as youth financial literacy, it was realized that we all need to be well versed money and personal finance.  For my Canadian friends sorry we will have to wait until November...

Monday edition of the Five for Friday, Weekend Recap or whatever you want to call it!

For all of you that missed the Friday edition, we were taking part of the Yakezie blog swap.  Basically what takes place is that we sign up for the blog swap and we are partnered with a fellow blogger.  We post an article about a particular topic, which this time the topic was the best investment advice I ever received.  I traded posts with my buddy over at Short Road to Retirement.  Be sure to stop over there and check out his site and also to check out my article! I don’t know if you have been following along in...

The Best Financial Lesson I Ever Learned

The rule of thumb is that bonds are for retirees.  I am 35 years old and I love bonds.  When I was really young, I remember receiving savings bonds for my birthday.  I had no idea what they were at the time.  I was told by my father that they were going to be worth “a lot” of money some day.  Every year I would get these pieces of paper that were going to be worth “the number listed at the top left corner”. Fast forward to the 90’s and the Internet boom.  The Internet boom created a huge jump...

WTF (Wait That’s Finance) Part I: Deep in the Money Naked Calls

Oh no here come the financial concepts, time to clear the cob webs we are going to talk about derivatives.  Want to sound smart at work today, drop the word derivative in some random sentences and wait for the looks you get.  This is how my wife fell in love with me. Except this was back in college and I was a Chemistry major at the time.  I started dropping some names of the elements off the periodic table and the rest is history.  What is a derivative? What does the word mean, let’s take the root, derive.  Derive means...

All good things must come to an end…It was a good run while it lasted…RIP Encyclopedia Britannica print edition

Childhood….Ahhh those were the days of no responsibility where my only recollection of money was that my parents had it and I needed it to buy candy or that new toy.  But what I do remember as a youth was that my parents subscribed to Encyclopedia Britannica.  I asked my mom a while back how they ended up with the encyclopedias and she gave me the spiel where a salesman came door to door saying something about how it was going to be the way of the future.  They had just had me as their first child and they didn’t...

Shhh…. What do you think of that B*****?

Now that I have your attention, you are probably scratching your head wondering why that would be on a personal finance website.  Shame on you for thinking that!! What would your mother say?  The word is in the news all over the world now.  That magical word is BUDGET.  The congressional budget, state budget, city budget, your personal budget, budget for that trip, some websites use that as part of their web address…this budget that budget… What in the world does the word budget even mean?  According to my good friends over at Merriam Webster here are the origins of budget: Middle...

From My Frugal Side: 5 ways to cut costs in the bathroom

I don’t know where this one came from.  I was sitting there yesterday thinking (not thinking in the bathroom) and I started rattling off ways to save some money in the bathroom.  These ideas are not going to require any major design changes to your bathroom.  Sure you look at the picture above and think where can I possibly save any money.  The bathroom is probably one of the most frequented locations in the house and these simple changes can add up over the year. Water Saver – add a water saving showerhead to your shower and this can cut up...

Week 5 Recap: A Month in and I am here to stay for the long haul!

Well here it is the Five For Friday.  Another week has come and gone and we continue to pump out the articles.  It has had its share of ups and downs over there past month and a half, from late nights to early mornings.  A lot of great comments and plenty of feedback received via email.  Thank you and keep those suggestions coming.  I really appreciate it.  Here is what I have been reading this past week that has really kept my interest and even provoked some commenting.  Homeownership may not be for everyone but here are some lessons learned. ...

The Peyton Manning Story: A few days short of that big bonus!

Peyton Manning – Franchise Quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts is a free agent.  I am not a regular follower of football but I have heard who this gent is.  Potentially the best quarterback to ever play in Indy or maybe best quarterback ever in all of football.  This article isn’t going to talk about all those statistics that he has amassed, but we really could because finance covers stats and various ratios.  If he was on the roster at the start of the league year he was to be owed $28 million dollars as a bonus.  Did you hear that...

Finance and Malware: A Love Hate Relationship!

After nearly 3 days of inactivity on my part on my blog I am ready to hit the ground running.  Wow those last 3 days have been hectic.  I woke up Monday morning to find my site acting a little funny.  I didn’t think anything of it so I went about the day.  Monday night I get home and try to check the site to see some the statistics and how things are going.  I get a redirect that takes me to Adfly. First thoughts are this could get expensive.  I have only been blogging 2 weeks if this gets...

Malware / Trojan / Virus – Is this a familiar sight for you?

Well today I had my first experience with Malware.  I was not able to post a regularly scheduled post as usual.  I woke up this morning to check out the website to find a bunch of popups on the site once I logged in.  Talk about shell shock and not having a clue what to do.  Thankfully my fellow Yakeziers were there to the rescue with some valuable posts to help me though this debacle. I quickly got on the phone to my hosting company to see if they had any products that they offered for free to help me...

Week Dos Recap – I am fluent in Spanish, not really…

Wow a whole 2 weeks into personal finance blogging and I have to say I love doing it.  It has been a great journey thus far.  I am building some great friendships with the personal finance blogging community.  I have found the Yakezie Network great and everyone is very willing to help out.  I learned that with blogging or your spouse you have to give love to receive love.  I am out there sharing the love as much as I can with my fellow bloggers.  Here is it close to midnight preparing the post after a long day of blogging and...

Week One Recap

Wow, what a first week, this is really exciting and I love waking up in the morning now to blog again!!  A lot of great comments and plenty of feedback received via email.  Thank you keep those suggestions coming.  I really appreciate it. So, what did I do this week read many, many blogs because once you start reading you can’t stop.  Here are a few that I found particularly interesting this week in no particular order: Check out Shaun over at Money Cactus and check out this well written article…it really gets you thinking about what really motivates you???...