Online Grocery Shopping in Australia

What Would You Do? – Buying a Home

Alright everyone, I have a scenario that I want to run by you and I am hoping for some advice. First, I will give you a back story, then I will ask what you would do. I appreciate any advice that you have to give.
The Background
My wife and I bought our home close to 7 years ago when the house market was at it’s peak (of course)…
Surviving a Bear Market Encounter in the Wild

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the stock market is up. I mean way up. Up to the clouds up. When I looked at the status of my 401(k) last week, I swear I almost pooped…with joy! I believe my exact words were, “Shazam!”
If you are like me, you are probably feeling like a regular Warren Buffet right about now…
Introducing my Yakezie Summer 2013 Team

Yakezie teams are like mini-Yakezie networks. Team members offer mutual support in the way of social sharing and commenting, plus any other stuff they decide…
How To Prepare for Self-Employment

Now that I’ve thrown myself out there, I need a plan…
Was your education worth it?

Good morning Dinks. Let me ask you a question, when and why do you use your credit cards? Some people get into debt because they don’t have enough income to pay for all of their expenses and some people get into debt because they have a big expense and they don’t have enough of an emergency savings fund…
How to Watch TV Without Cable or Satellite

Sticking with the theme of me cancelling our satellite TV last week, I thought I’d name a few of the few ways we’re still able to catch our favorite shows and sporting events. My wife and I cancelled our satellite TV and want to reduce watching any sort of screen, but it is nice to sometimes sit down to relax and watch a movie or show…
Gold is the Magic Ingredient for Money Growth!
Life is highly uncertain; nobody knows what is there in store for you tomorrow. You may lose all your assets due to wrong business decisions, your spouse may divorce you and refuse to pay alimony or demand a really huge sum for alimony from you, or you may face a severe accident that requires surgical …
How We Saved Thousands on Our Wedding Photographer

Welcome back to our frugal wedding planning series! If you missed our previous posts, here is a little snippet on what we are planning. We are having a DIY morning shabby chic garden wedding, with a brunch reception, no bridal party, family only (with the exception of two of my friends) all for under $3,000…
Guest Post – The Effect Of Credit Cards On Credit Scores – F.A.Q.
(Ah, credit scores and credit cards. Figuring out just how the use of your credit cards will affect your credit score (and how your credit score will affect your ability to use your credit cards in return) is a tricky issue, one that many people have trouble getting a handle on. Luckily, there are sources out there that can help you get a handle on how to improve your credit score and learn how to better use your credit cards…
12 Facts About Money Everyone Thinks Are True

Money is a huge aspect in almost everyone’s life. Without it we could not eat, sleep, or just live. Below is a list of 12 facts about money everyone thinks are true and the truth behind them…
How I am Paying for FinCon: Barclaycard Arrival World MasterCard Review
Who out there likes to get someone else to help pay for their vacations, especially when little is required on your part? If you find yourself in that camp, then you may find a great option in my BarclayCard Arrival World MasterCard review. If you’ve read many personal finance blogs then you’ll know that credit card churning is a popular topic…
$59 mattresses: Being Satisfied With What You Have

Background – The Grandparents come to visit:
When my grandparents came to visit over Christmas, my grandfather commented on how comfortable the mattress in our guest bedroom is. He said he’d had the best night’s sleep he’d had in a long time. Now this was both a compliment (my grandparents travel rarely, and when they do, they usually don’t sleep well) and concerning…
Direct Real Estate Investment vs REITs