Step 5 – “Put The “Hubba Hubba in Hub & Spoke”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence + MORE

Why Do You Invest in Real Estate…No, Really…WHY??
When we start to do anything in life there is always a reason WHY. Now stay with me here…we have many simple “WHY’s”. Take breathing for example, our “WHY” for breathing is to live! Our “WHY” for going to school is to get smart (or because we are forced to!)…

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Step 5 – “Put The “Hubba Hubba in Hub & Spoke”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet PresenceTo Create an Internet Presence that can not only “Cast a Wide Net” and Capture an Interested Consumer, but also “Network” and Communicate with itself there is no better model than the “Hub & Spoke.
However, we need to make a slight Adjustment to the “Simpler” Model and create something like this …
Either way, the “Center” or “Hub” of our Online Presence is a Blog…

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