PowerShares S&P 500® High Quality Portfolio (SPHQ) Review
– doughroller.net

Smart Budgeting and Grocery Shopping For 2
– weonlydothisonce.com

This is a Guest Post By: Mr.CBB is the voice behind Canadian Budget Binder who says that “It’s not about how much money you make it’s how you save it”. Mr.CBB shares budgeting tips, frugal lifestyle, relationships, recipes, parenting, personal finance and so much more for his over 4500 fans all around the world…
Save Money, Save the Planet
– clubthrifty.com

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.So, did you hear that Earth Day was Monday? Yeah, I missed it too. It just doesn’t seem to have the same appeal that it used to, does it? Perhaps the novelty has worn off. Well, maybe this will grab your attention instead:
Fact – The United Sates comprises 5% of the world’s population but it consumes approximately 25% of it’s natural resources…
How to Fix Incorrect Charges on Your Credit or Debit Card
– edwardantrobus.com

Credit card (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There is no worse feeling than looking at your credit card or bank statement and seeing unauthorized charges…
How much do pets really cost?
– commoncentswealth.com

My wife and I love pets. We currently have a dog (Kimora: 2.5 years old) and cat (Lulu: 1.5 years old), so we have a pretty good idea of what they actually cost. Many people think that they don’t cost very much. All they need is a little bit of food and they are good to go, right? Well, that may be the case some months, but most of the time they will cost a bit more than that…
SmarterBucks® Review – A Rewards Program Geared Toward Student Loans
– debtroundup.com

If you have been living under a rock, then you might now know that student loan debt has skyrocketed in the last decade or more. As of the latest numbers, outstanding student loan debt just in the United States is over $1 trillion. That is right, I said $1 TRILLION! Higher education has become harder to reach for those in the middle and lower class because of the increased tuition in almost every university…
Want to Buy a House? First Do This One Year in Advance
– moneylifeandmore.com

Online Brokerages I Use: OptionsHouse Review
– frugalrules.com
I Joined Toastmasters
– savvyfinanciallatina.com/#&panel1-
For those of you who don’t know what Toastmasters is, here’s a short blurb:
Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development…
Tips How To Spend Your Tax Refund Efficiently
– doablefinance.com
Should I buy a new car or keep the old one?
– myfijourney.com

MakinSense Of Apple’s Big News Yesterday, Here’s What You Need To Know
– makingsensebabe.com
OK what does that mean for you?
If you own Apple stock, you’re getting more money in your pocket in the form of a dividend. You were getting $10.60 per year per share you own, now you’ll be getting $12…
Spending Without Spouse Approval
– studentdebtsurvivor.com

Do you care about interest rates? Well, you should!
– dinksfinance.com

Good morning Dinks. Interest rates are very important to consumers who want to borrow money, save money and invest their money. Interest rates are also very important for everyone else as people who contribute to society, pay taxes and buy groceries. In basic layman terms…interest rates make the world go round…
How Much Does a Trip To The Emergency Room Cost?
– eyesonthedollar.com

With some planned and unplanned expenses, we’ve been racking up the medical bills for the past couple of months. While my husband has health insurance provided by his employer, my daughter and I have a high deductible health savings account eligible plan. While I still think this is the best plan for our needs, it really can be a hit if you do have to go to the doctor, even worse if you need to go to the emergency room…
Sport Spending in Australia
– monsterpiggybank.com

What I Learned from a Lost Purse
– ayoungpro.com