Signs That You Need to Quit Your Job

Signs That You Need to Quit Your Job

Quit Your Job

Not everyone is lucky enough to find their dream job in the first shot. Not everyone is genius enough to combine their work and passion early in life. Not everyone is opportune enough to do what they want to do in life, some have their own limitations.

Many people have to take retakes before finding the picture perfect job that they imagined for themselves. We take up many wrong jobs in this process. But there are always signs that people might not notice. These are those signs.

  • Zero job satisfaction

Satisfaction is very essential in anything that we do, especially a job in which we are putting our efforts day in and day out. If your job doesn’t? give you satisfaction then it is not the right job for you. You should feel happy and proud each time you succeed in any work at the office. There should be a sense of accomplishment.

  • No time for personal life

Good work life balance is important for the well-being of yourself and the people around you. Because you not only have to manage your professional life but also give time to your social sphere of life. Just slogging your days and nights in office will only lead to depression and loneliness. Your health will deteriorate. Balance ?is key.

  • Ideas not being heard

Start searching for new jobs if your ideas no longer matter to the corporation you are working for.

  • Odd one out

If you feel like you are the odd one out in your workplace, it is a good sign that you need to start looking for other jobs. If you can’t fit in the work culture of corporates then it is absolutely fine. Not everyone is designed to do the same kind of job. There is no need to stress about this. Your skill sets may match some other job profile. Do self-introspection. Find out your skills. Apply for the appropriate job. You shouldn’t work in an atmosphere where there is a clash between your beliefs and those of the employer’s. Same level of understanding is essential for bringing out the best possible outcome.

  • Abuse at workplace

People have experiences of verbal or sexual abuse in workplace. They generally ignore it and do not report because of the social stigma attached to it. Even if it is reported there is no guarantee of it being resolved. Working back in that atmosphere is not an easy feat. But people do not quit jobs become of this reason alone. Due to personal or professional reasons they keep on working in the same place, torturing themselves.

  • No increment

Now increment is very necessary. Every individual needs an incentive to keep working hard. Monetary increase is the best one, because after all financial good health is important for survival and it is the major driving force for working in the first place (after following your passion, if you are!) If your workload has increased and yet your pay hasn’t then you need to start thinking twice about continuing in the same position or not.

  • Boredom

If you have reached a level of stagnation in your job and your office is not providing you any options of professional growth then it is time to move on. Start finding new jobs that match your job profile.

  • Unhappiness

If you are worried about your job at all times and even discuss only the stress related to your employment condition with your colleagues, friends and family, then you are clearly unhappy with your job. If your thoughts are filled with negativity with regard to your job then you are not content with job itself.

  • Poor workplace relations

Having no understanding? friends and colleagues in the workplace is a worrisome situation. If you avoid resolving issues with the boss or coworkers because you know that it can’t be is a sign that you need to quit that job. You start avoiding people because you dislike them. Humans are social animals. Our happiness, to a large extent depends on our social circle. Imagine the situation where it doesn’t even exist! Now if your workplace is like that then you won’t be able to give your full to the job.

  • Underutilized skills

A job is perfect only if it utilises the skills of the worker to the full potential and also adds to the skills sets. Every new day should be a learning experience in the office. Only then will it remain exciting. If your promotions are being pushed aside, or you have been receiving simple assignments, then either you don’t have the skills for the job or your skills are being unnoticed. Your growth is hampering. No one requires such a job.

  • Lack passion

If you are daily getting up sad and unhappy and force yourself to go to office then the job is not working for you. If there is no passion, no excitement in doing the work eight hours a day, five days a week then what is the point in putting your  efforts in such a job. You won’t ever give your 100% in such a job. Neither the company will grow nor your personality.

  • Low performance

If you aren’t giving your one hundred percent at the job then it is time to leave. Or if your performance has started dipping lately then maybe you need to change your job.

Sometimes it is obvious and sometimes it isn’t. If yours is the second case, then you probably don’t know yet that you need to quit your job. Just check for the aforementioned signs and if they tally with your situation, then, my dear friend, it is time  to say bye bye to your job this instant!

There are times when you what next needs to be done but taking that next step is the difficult part. Change is difficult but only at first if it is for the good. Before taking any rash decision about your job we the pros and cons about you, your job and workplace environment.

Don’t let emotions get in your way of judging any situation. Keep the personal grudges aside and try to take the high road. Before deciding to quit your job consider your options. Don’t leave the job in haste.

Think calmly and then make the next move after going through all the situation thoroughly.