Get Off The Train And Pipe In The Profits
4 Ways to Cut the Medical Bills that will Inevitably Arrive

Even if you’ve taken proper preventative health care measures and are covered by insurance, you WILL encounter medical bills at some point.
It might seem as though there is nothing you can do. Let’s say your physician recommends a certain procedure and even gives you the name of a doctor/place to get it done…
Should You Take a Year Off in Your 20s?

Does it ever make sense to take a year off? Should you take a year off in your teens or 20s to figure everything out?
What’s my answer?
Shrink Ray’s Latest Target: Peanut Butter

Do You Use Skills Learned in Childhood?

The Biggest Myth About Emerging Markets

Stocks in the most popular emerging markets are getting clobbered. Truthfully, the entire emerging markets space is taking it on the chin right now — not just Brazil, but Russia, India and China, too.
Case in point: The MSCI emerging markets index is down 10…
Mortgage Versus HELOC – The Winner Is…..

The Winner (and Kick-Ass Idea) of Our Hustler Contest!

This was probably the hardest contest I’ve had to help judge, but MAN was it fun. Y’all had some CRAZZZZZY good ideas out there! I couldn’t even come up with half of them if I tried, haha… Seriously, check some of these out (full details are in the giveaway entries):Re-starting up a balloon animal/shape making business
Updating a CPR training biz with new mannequins for students to train on
Adding to a non-GMO farming pasture raising rabbits for meat and goats for dairy
Launching a new voice-over side business
Revamping a hand crochet beanie hat store
Adding a paint booth in the back yard of a custom bicycle shop!
And, one of my favorites cuz it’s so old-school, building a new arcade from scratch by hustling gumball machines 🙂 You don’t hear about those businesses much these days! (Perhaps cuz there’s not much money in them anymore?)
Half of those up there became our runner-ups 🙂 At the end of the day though, Deals2Buy and I had to go through all 100+ of them and whittle them down to our fave handful, and eventually all the way down to our favorite of the bunch…
Reader Profile Update: Jack
‘Gen Z’ is financially-savvy, with one big exception
How To Buy Stocks

Why Every Renter Needs Renters Insurance
Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Gadget?
We’re surrounded by gadgets, both high-tech and low, that usually aim to make our lives easier or better in some way. We all have our favorites — some are undeniably useful, while others are just plain cool.
What is your favorite gadget? Do you use it for work, pleasure, or everyday living? Has it improved your life in any surprising ways?
Tell us about your favorite gadget and we’ll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Win 1 of 3 $20 Amazon Gift Cards
We’re doing three giveaways — here’s how you can win!
Mandatory Entry:
Post your answer in the comments below…
IMF Predicts Global Economic Stagnation

According to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook Update, the world economy will grow at 3.1 percent this year, the same rate as last year…

Is the promise of home appreciation just as dangerous as the mythical dragon?The real estate market is changing.
After years of record-low rates for mortgages, the interest market is beginning to heat up.
Homebuyers are suddenly second-guessing their decision to buy…
The Secret to a Memorable (and Affordable!) Vacation

The summer vacation is considered a staple of the American experience. Not all of us, however, can take off for a full two weeks. Whether money is tight or you have obligations at work, a full-blown vacation might not be an option.
At times when you just can’t take off for a vacation, why not go camping? When you’re camping, you’re not only enjoying time with family and nature, but you’re also spending very little money…
When Should You Ditch the Credit Cards?

Unfortunately, it’s just this convenience that can cause problems for some consumers…
You’re Buying an Item, Not a Price Tag
This person was very proud of the deal they had received for this bag – in fact, the deal was so good that my friend had purchased two of the bags…