How Expensive is the X-Men’s Mansion?

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What makes a superhero truly memorable? Sure, their powers are important, but most—if not all—of the seriously great heroes and teams have secret (and sometimes not-so-secret) lairs almost as famous at they are.
Batman’s got the Batcave and Wayne Manor, Superman has the Fortress of Solitude, Tony Stark works out of his palatial hillside home, and the X-Men have an entire school that serves as their headquarters…
How to Make DIY Home Repairs Safely

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Time and Cost of Your Trip to Work – There’s an app for That
In fact, when Krishna Malyala moved from Hawaii to New Jersey, he had the same question…
Should I Buy These 80 Units? Would You?

Well – here I go again…Decisions, Decisions. I need your help, BiggerPockets, to figure this one out. What do you think?
Here’s the deal:
You know that inbound thing that I keep telling you about? Well, the other day I picked up the phone and it’s a friend of mine. She says to me: “I’m standing here with somebody that I want you to speak with – here he is”, and she passes the phone…
June Concludes Best Spring Home Shopping Season in Almost a Decade

The U.S. Zillow Home Value Index rose to $161,100 as of the end of the second quarter, up 5…